Batch normalization normalizes the output of a linear layer before scaling and adding an offset (see equation9). While forResNet18 we do not see a significant difference in the final QAT performance, forMobileNetV2 we observe that it cannot be trained without CLE. If not, we may have to resort to other methods, such as quantization-aware training (QAT), which is discussed in section 4. This means that for each batch of data we need to compute an additional term during inference. Uniform affine quantization, also known as asymmetric quantization, is defined by three quantization parameters: the scale factor s, the zero-point z and the bit-width b. The BN parameters and correspond to the mean and standard deviation of the BN layers output. For example, for weight tensors, we can specify a different quantizer per output channel. task. For common networks with batch normalization and ReLU functions, they use the BN statistics of the preceding layer in order to compute the expected input distribution E[x]. As discussed in the previous section, range setting for the quantization grid tries to find a good trade-off between clipping and rounding error. In this section, we explore some of the practical considerations that help reduce the search space. As the main goal is to minimize the impact of quantization on the final task loss, we start by formulating the optimization problem in terms of this loss, where w denotes the perturbation due to quantization and can take two possible values for each weight, one by rounding the weight up and the other by rounding the weight down. The visualization step can reveal the source of the tensors sensitivity to quantization. In this white paper, we introduce the state-of-the-art in neural network quantization. We set each quantizer sequentially, to the target bit-width while keeping the rest of the network to 32 bits (see inner for loop in figure 9). This is why we introduce quantizer blocks in the compute graph to induce quantization effects. Here, per-channel quantization can show a significant benefit, for example, in EfficientNet lite per-channel quantization increases the accuracy by 2.8% compared to per-tensor quantization, bringing it within 1.4% of full-precision accuracy. We use the MSE based criteria for most of the layers, which requires a small calibration set to find the minimum MSE loss. PTQ methods, discussed in section3, take a trained network and quantize it with little or no data, requires minimal hyperparameter tuning and no end-to-end training. Nagel et al. The table also clearly demonstrates the benefit of using cross-entropy for the last layer instead of the MSE objective. In particular, using the proposed pipeline we can achieve 8-bit quantization of weights and activations within only 1% of the floating-point accuracy for all networks. In contrast, QAT, discussed in section4, relies on retraining the neural networks with simulated quantization in the training pipeline. The rounding-to-nearest strategy is motivated by the fact that, for a fixed quantization grid, it yields the lowest MSE between the floating-point and quantized weights. (2019) further notice that in some cases, especially after CLE, high biases can lead to differences in the dynamic ranges of the activations. This pipeline achieves competitive PTQ results for many computer vision as well as natural language processing models and tasks. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. Reducing the power and latency of neural network . We showed that the standard PTQ pipeline can achieve competitive results for a wide range of models and networks. Learning the quantization parameters directly, rather than updating them at every epoch, leads to higher performance especially when dealing with low-bit quantization. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. This means that their quantization grids may not overlap making a requantization step necessary. In conclusion, a better initialization can lead to better QAT results, but the gain is usually small and vanishes the longer the training lasts. After completing the above steps, the last step is to quantize the complete model to the desired bit-width. In section 2.4.2, we mentioned that per-channel quantization of the weights can improve accuracy when it is supported by hardware. To assess the effect of the initial range setting (see section 3.1) for weights and activations, we perform two sets of experiments, which are summarized in table 8. labeled training data but enables lower bit quantization with competitive We further assume that the model has converged, implying that the contribution of the gradient term in the approximation can be ignored, and that the Hessian is block-diagonal, which ignores cross-layer correlations. in ci=max(0,\upbetai3\upgammai). b) Simulation of quantized inference for general-purpose floating-point hardware. In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the networks performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. So at high level the quantization stack can be split into two parts: 1). The clear correlation in figure7 between the validation accuracy and objective of equation (30) indicates that the latter serves as a good proxy for the task loss (equation29), even for 4-bit weight quantization. For the more aggressive W4A4 case, we notice a small drop but still within 1% of the floating-point accuracy. Range setting for activation quantizers often requires some calibration data. Here, we provide some guidance on how to simulate quantization for a few commonly used layers: Activation quantization is not required because the input and output values are on the same quantization grid. Ablation study for various ways to initialize the quantization grid. Reducing the power and latency of neural network inference is key if we want to integrate modern networks into edge devices with strict power and compute requirements. While this is fine when we employ per-channel quantization (more below in this section), keeping BN unfolded for per-tensor quantization will result in one of the two following cases: The BN layer applies per-channel rescaling during inference. Ablation study for different methods of range setting of (asymmetric uniform) activation quantizers while keeping the weights in FP32. Our results are presented in table 10 for different bit-widths and quantization granularities. While some networks are robust to this noise, other networks require extra work to exploit the benefits of quantization. The scale factor and the zero-point are used to to map a floating point value to the integer grid, whose size depends on the bit-width. re-training or labelled data and is thus a lightweight push-button approach to If we were to perform inference in FP32, the processing elements and the accumulator would have to support floating-point logic, and we would need to transfer the 32-bit data from memory to the processing units. We also propose a debugging workflow to identify and address common issues when quantizing a new model. First, prior approaches have not been evaluated on a To make zero-point learnable we convert into a real number and apply the rounding operator. Quantization (PTQ) and Quantization-Aware-Training (QAT). Homogeneous bit-width is more universally supported by hardware but some recent works also explore the implementation of heterogeneous bit-width or mixed-precision (van Baalen et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2019; Uhlich et al., 2020). This could be due to the regularizing effect of training with quantization noise or due to the additional fine-tuning during QAT. Train-ing a single quantized models executable at dierent bit-widths poses a great opportunity for exible and adaptive deployment since models with larger bit-width are still con-sistently better than those with smaller bit-width. For both solutions, we provide tested pipelines based on existing literature and extensive experimentation that lead to state-of-the-art performance for common deep learning models and tasks. We evaluate all models on the respective validation sets. To summarize, the way we round weights during the quantization operation has a significant impact on the performance of the network. The two branches that are being concatenated generally do not share the same quantization parameters. Note that in some QAT literature, the BN-folding effect is ignored. In this section, we will explore the effect of initialization for QAT. In this range setting method we find qmin and qmax that minimize the MSE between the original and the quantized tensor: where ^V(qmin,qmax) denotes the quantized version of V and F is the Frobenius norm. where V denotes the tensor to be quantized. arXiv as responsive web pages so you One such scenario is the quantization of logits in the last layer of classification networks, in which it is important to preserve the order of the largest value after quantization. In figure3(a), we generalize this process for a convolutional layer, but we also include an activation function to make it more realistic. In section 2.3, we saw how quantization can be simulated using floating-point in deep learning frameworks. It is important to maintain a higher bit-width for the accumulators, typical 32-bits wide. We only notice a significant drop in performance when combining this with low bit activation quantization (W4A4). There are many other types of layers being used in neural networks. Per (output) channel weight ranges of the first depthwise-separable layer inMobileNetV2 after BN folding. Quantizing deep convolutional networks for-1806.08342.pdf 858KB. W(1)=S1W(1) and They allow the user to efficiently test various quantization options and it enables GPU acceleration for quantization-aware training as described in section 4. Applying CLE brings us back within 2% of FP32 performance, close to the performance of per-channel quantization. If supported by the HW/SW stack then it is favorable to use per-channel quantization for weights. (2020) showed that rounding-to-nearest is not optimal in terms of the task loss when quantizing weights in the post-training regime. We will dive into this later, but first let's see why quantization works. Quantization is the process to convert a floating point model to a quantized model. The regularizer used in Nagel et al. Later we discuss practical considerations related to layers commonly found in modern neural networks and their implications for fixed-point accelerators. Quantization range setting refers to the method of determining clipping thresholds of the quantization grid, qmin and qmax (see equation7). To absorb c from layer one (followed by a ReLU activation function f) into layer two, we can do the following reparameterization: where b(2)=W(2)c+b(2), h=hc, and b(1)=b(1)c. For ResNet18/50 and InceptionV3 the accuracy drop is still within 1% of floating-point for both per-tensor and per-channel quantization. To make the model more robust to quantization, we can find a scaling factor si such that the quantization noise in the rescaled layers is minimal. This would prevent the requantization step but may require fine-tuning. Whereas 8-bit quantization incurs close to no accuracy drop, quantizing weights to 4 bits leads to a larger drop, e.g. Low bit-width quantization introduces noise to the network that can lead to a drop in accuracy. Figure 10 shows a simple computational graph for the forward and backward pass used in quantization-aware training. 18. This poses an issue because the gradient of the round-to-nearest operation in equation (4) is either zero or undefined everywhere, which makes gradient-based training impossible. Next, we choose our quantizers and add quantization operations in our network as described in section 2.3. Note that in this white paper we only consider homogeneous bit-width. While the latter is less of an issue for a more fine-grained quantization granularity (e.g., per-channel quantization), this remains a big issue for the more widely used per-tensor quantization. We demonstrate that with our QAT pipeline we can achieve 4-bit quantization of weights, and for some models even 4-bit activations, with only a small drop of accuracy compared to floating-point. We aim to approximate fixed-point operations using floating-point hardware. the scale-factor: Originally, we restricted the zero-point to be an integer. This makes them a push-button approach to quantizing neural networks with low engineering effort and computational cost. For both solutions, we provide tested pipelines based on existing literature and extensive experimentation that lead to state-of-the-art performance for common deep learning models and tasks. [width=0.75]figures/On_Device_Fixed_Point_Inference. During quantization-aware training, we want to simulate inference behavior closely, which is why we have to account for BN-folding during training. Low precision quantization for neural networks supports AI application specifications by providing greater throughput for the same footprint or reducing resource usage. We illustrate this rescaling procedure in figure 6. PTQ requires no As the popularity and reach of deep learning in our everyday life increases, so does the need for fast and power-efficient neural network inference. For this reason, it is a common approach to use asymmetric activation quantization and symmetric weight quantization that avoids the additional data-dependent term. As a result, the choice of signed or unsigned integer grid matters: Unsigned symmetric quantization is well suited for one-tailed distributions, such as ReLU activations (see figure 3). (2020) is, where is annealed during the course of optimization to initially allow free movement of \mathnormalh(Vi,j) and later to force them to converge to 0 or 1. We then explore common issues observed during PTQ and introduce the most successful techniques to overcome them. Other works go beyond per-channel quantization parameters and apply separate quantizers per group of weights or activations (Rouhani et al., 2020; Stock et al., 2019; Nascimento et al., 2019). This is the building block of larger matrix-matrix multiplications and convolutions found in neural networks. performance for common deep learning models and tasks. AdaRound is a theoretically well-founded and computationally efficient method that shows significant performance improvement in practice. The objective of (35) can be effectively and efficiently optimized using stochastic gradient descent. Today neural networks can be found in many electronic devices and services, from smartphones, smart glasses and home appliances, to drones, robots and self-driving cars. However, using learnable quantizers requires special care when setting up the optimizer for the task. To tackle the first problem, the authors introduced additional suitable assumptions that allow simplifying the objective of equation(30) to the following local optimization problem that minimizes the MSE of the output activations for a layer. Once the three quantization parameters are defined we can proceed with the quantization operation. Astrophysical Observatory. This value is equal to. Performance (average over 3 runs) of our standard QAT pipeline for various models and tasks. Looking back at the quantized MAC operation in equation (3), we can see that per-channel weight quantization can be implemented in the accelerator by applying a separate per-channel weight scale factor without requiring rescaling. We briefly discussed in section2.2 how the choice of quantization range affects the quantization error. Assuming a weight matrix WRnm we apply batch normalization to each output yk for k={1,,n}: In our naive quantized accelerator introduced in section 2.1, we saw that the requantization of activations happens after the matrix multiplication or convolutional output values are calculated. While neural networks have advanced the frontiers in many applications, they often come at a high computational cost. They show that. In conclusion, for models that have severe issues with plain PTQ we may need advanced PTQ techniques such as CLE to initialize QAT. If supported by the HW/SW stack, then it is favorable to use per-channel quantization for weights. In this white paper, we introduce the state-of-the-art in neural network quantization. In table 4, we demonstrate the effect of bias correction for quantizingMobileNetV2 to 8-bit. Thus these two terms can be pre-computed and added to the bias term of a layer at virtually no cost. For each weight and activation quantization, we have to choose a quantization scheme. (2019) showed that this is especially prevalent in depth-wise separable layers since only a few weights are responsible for each output feature and this might result in higher variability of the weights. Blue boxes represent required steps and the turquoise boxes recommended choices. Quantizing both weights and activations to 4-bits remains a challenging for such networks, even with per-channel quantization it can lead to a drop of up to 5%. We evaluate all models on the respective validation sets. In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the network's performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. Otherwise BERT-base follows similar trends as most other models and our PTQ pipeline allows 4 bit weight quantization within 1.5% drop in GLUE score. This provides flexibility and reduces the quantization error (more in section 2.2). We use n and p to define the integer grid limits, such that n=qmin/s and p=qmax/s. Neural network quantization is one of the most effective ways of achieving these savings but the additional noise it induces can lead to accuracy degradation. A schematic of matrix-multiply logic in an neural network accelerator for quantized inference. 2022 Deep AI, Inc. | San Francisco Bay Area | All rights reserved. In practice, this modeling approach is on par or better for per-channel quantization compared to static folding as we can see from the last two rows of table 7. Whereas per-channel quantization of weights is increasingly becoming common practice, not all commercial hardware supports it. In this white paper, we introduce state-of-the-art algorithms for mitigating the impact of quantization noise on the network's performance while maintaining low-bit weights and activations. 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