DOI: Proper functioning of information commissions is crucial for people to realise their right to information. Private and public hospitals must adopt it. 3. Also the fish is characterized by their large scales and thick powerful lips with relatively longer barbels (sensory hair-like organs in front of the mouth). The poems are concerned with two main topics: those of the f. (puram), including the praise of kings and their deeds. They exploit the properties of quantum mechanics, the science that governs how matter behaves on the atomic scale. ) 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 428-442 Binary logistic regression is used for testing thevarious Intellectual Capital components such as Human Capital(HC), Structural capital (SC)and Customer capital(CC) and firm characteristics like Firm size, Leverage and Return onAsset on propensity to M&A in these high tech industries. The questionnaire with a Likert scale was sent to approximately 2720 employees by email and a link was also shared on social media. E-Banking is your personal banking service on the Internet, protected with bank identifiers. Decision No. It has been observed thatorganizations preferpeoplewhotend tohave high work drive, extreme workinvolvement andwho can workbeyond thecapacity. 53. Though online shopping is very common outside India, its growth in Indian Market, which is a large and strategic consumer market, is still not in line with the global market. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 30-43 Under INNOCENT PASSAGE IN THE TERRITORIAL SEA, Subject to this Convention, ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AND ONLINE IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT IN YOUNG ADULTS, Study of Human Resource Accounting Practices-An Overview, A STUDY OF TRADITIONAL FINANCE AND BEHAVIOURAL FINANCE: RATIONALITY TO IRRATIONALITY, A STUDY ON DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CRUDE OIL PRICES AND STOCK MARKET PRICES IN INDIA, THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON IT INDUSTRY, A STUDY ON IMPACT OF ADVERTISING ON CONSUMERS BUYING BEHAVIOR WITH REFERENCE TO SELECTED FMCG, SUSTAINABLE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOL STRATEGY AND CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE IN EYE WEAR RETAIL CHAIN STORES, AN OVERVIEW OF TRENDS AND TECHNIQUES IN PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS, AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON IMPACT OF INFLATION RATE ON STOCK MARKET PERFORMANCE IN INDIA, A STUDY ON FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN INDIAN AUTO MOBILE MARKET, A STUDY ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR, EFFECT OF COMBINATION OF PLYOMETRIC AND SKILL TRAINING IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF SPEED, LEG EXPLOSIVE POWER AND PASSING ABILITY OF THE FEMALE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS. Hiring the right people is the biggest challenge that HR department faces today. In recent times the organisation has lost its middle rung leaders after most of them were arrested. Therefore, the population ofpresent study consisted of all the female and male who study in universities. This paper studies the coordination between the two although both are expanding in India. Summit held in November 2021, Turkmenistan joined as an Observer Member to the Organization. (2018), For Prelims: The Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, For Mains: Indian Constitution, The Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, Related Provisions. Higher emotional intelligence is necessary for both managers and employees in an organisation because it helps all the individuals in an organisation to control individual emotions in operation management activities. Ravichandra. Despite a favorable climate and low-cost labour, India has witnessed alukewarm response in its growth. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 809-816 Numerous punitive procedures, like the Shapiro-Wilk w-test for determining data normality and the Breusch-pagan test for determining heteroscedasticity, were utilised for robust data analysis. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3. Mizoram's tensions were largely due to the simmering Assamese domination and the neglect of the Mizo people. McCoy Health Center hopes that the Foundation will provide a grant for the needed funds. A public representative can be disqualified under the Anti-Defection Act if: An elected member voluntarily gives up the membership of a political party. Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments. DOI: The Turkish-German relations enjoy strong common interests between the two parties, especially inthe economic field, as the Turks consider the presence of the Germans important in their economicstrategies, in addition to being Turkey's gateway to rapprochement with the European Union .Common interests prompted both countries to seek to overcome the political tensions thatsometimes arise between them. [83][84] While the Government of India accepted the accession, it added the proviso that it would be submitted to a "reference to the people" after the state is cleared of the invaders, since "only the people, not the Maharaja, could decide where Kashmiris wanted to live." As a result, the individuals can understand the situations of other individuals in the workplace quite effectively. DOI: [99] The military action in the temple complex was criticized by Sikhs worldwide, who interpreted it as an assault on the Sikh religion. This is crucial as itassures the sustainability and productivity of the firm. CASE STUDY ON DECISION MAKING AT VIBRANT PAINTS- IS IT RATIONAL? Which of the following activities constitute real sector in the economy? 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.046. Article 142(2) states that "subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament in this behalf" the Supreme Court shall have full power to make any order on the punishment of contempt. The investigation employed dedicated focus group interviews, in-depthinterviews and study of existing literature on diversity management. For example, after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, many Islamic "Jihad" fighters (Mujahideen) had entered the Kashmir valley[31] and several new militant groups with radical Islamic views emerged. Therefore, a new model is being presented to the marketers in order to increasetheir market share and profit among the rivals in the business. 30. 2. 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.050. Dysfunctional turnover occurs when a top performer departs thecompany, whereas functional turnover occurs when an unproductive employee leaves. 2. Dr. Vijaya Jyothi Nethala, Mr. Firozkhan.I.Pathan, Mr. S. Chandra Sekhar, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, This results will permit the bank do not take into account the factor of the short-term interest rate as affecting the available volume of a current accounts. Dated securities issued at marked-related rates in auctions form a large component of internal debt. With cloud computing, users are able to allocate their computing needs among a shared pool of powerful machines, increasing their access to resources like processing power, storage space, and software services. Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Puducherry, Sikkim and Tripura. Secessionist movements in Northeast India involve multiple armed separatist factions operating in India's northeastern states, which are connected to the rest of India by the Siliguri Corridor, a strip of land as narrow as 14.29 miles (23.00km) wide. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 379-387 The study consisted of 378 individual investors trading in Indian stock exchanges and data was collected through a questionnaire developed for the purpose of research. 2017, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 47-65. For this purpose, they approached the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA). 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.061. 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.033. is being made open source, available to any and all countries. Mahseer is a sensitive species that can barely tolerate a modified water environment. As a research method, we undertook the one-way Annova The study concluded that the Hybrid and high debt capital structures with both secured and unsecured loans influence the adoption of aggressive accounting practices and, as a result, a reduction in the informativeness of firms financial reporting. Grant funding opportunities identified by OSI (but not necessarily representing all grant opportunities currently available). With reference to the Indian economy, consider the following statements: 1. Unorganized sector like Handloom industry faced the challenging situation during the COVID-19. The paper is further premised on the fact that the university sector in Africa is experiencing unprecedented challenges affecting effective execution of their mandate. 2. , dominated for decades by the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). [44] The South Asian Human Rights Documentation Centre argues that the governments' call for increased force is part of the insurgency problem. For Prelims: Living Planet Report 2022, WWF, Living Planet Index (LPI), Mangroves, Sunderbans, Migration, Climate Change, Biodiversity. [99] Public outcry over Gandhi's death led to the killings of more than 3,000 Sikhs in Delhi alone in the ensuing 1984 anti-Sikh riots. DOI: [37] In response, the Indian Army claims that 97% of the reports about the human rights abuse are "fake or motivated" based on the investigation performed by the Army. According to the rules of procedure and conduct of business in the Lok Sabha, The election of the Deputy Speaker shall be held on such date as may be decided by the Speaker. With reference to the "Tea Board" in India, consider the following statements: 2. They may be more attractive to investors since convertible bonds provide growth potential through future capital appreciation of the stock price. DOI: DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.096, Financial literacy is a combination of skill, knowledge and attitude towards financial related aspects of an individual. The constitution provides for a single unified judiciary in India. (c) Wetlands play vital role in maintaining sedimentation balance and soil stabilization. This was an attempt by the Mongols to ravage Delhi for the first time. 3. The primary objective of monetary policy is to maintain price stability while keeping in mind the objective of growth. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 691-702 And the many counterinsurgency measures taken by the government that have often backfired. To know which factor has influencedthe most in the sales and to know which factor has loaded more. 29. 3. Further, factor analysis andregression were adopted to analyse the data. an exogenous shock window and (iii) a large natural disaster window for immediate BoP needs due to natural disasters where the damage is estimated to be equal to or greater than 20% of the member's GDP, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tabulates the 'Nominal Effective Exchange Rate-NEER' o. f the rupee with respect to the currencies of 36 trading partner countries. Therefore, consumers are showing an interest to online shopping because of recent development of retail industry in Bangalore city. Professional academic writers. This study iscarried for a period of 12 months from April 2021 to March 2022. Which is to support, in a structural way, low-income countries with unsustainable debt. [106] The Assamese secessionist groups have protested against the illegal migration from the neighbouring regions. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 388-406 According to some Mizos, the planes used incendiary bombs, resulting in fires that destroyed several houses in the Dawrpui and Chhinga Veng areas. In 1241, the Mongols under Tair Bahadur invaded Lahore and completely destroyed the city. To resort to penal provisions contained in sections 15 to 21 of the said Act. How many pairs given above are correctly, matched? As per A954 CE Khajuraho inscriptions, first king of Chandela dynasty i.e. ), to cost reductions (Cost, Co) by using smart shelves, and to increasing revenues (Revenue, R) due to product recommendations and personalized offers or discounts. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 292-299 The survey attracted 330 respondents. Q. Jayashakti belonged to the Chandela dynasty and not the Paramara dynasty. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Total Members: 38. These new waves of insurgents kidnapped landlords and forced them to confess to crimes, apologize to villagers, and repay forced bribes. According to the Tea Board of India Annual Report 2019-2020. Despite the fact that "staff poaching" isall the rage in the business world, even a little slip-up might result in the loss of brilliant mindsto a rival company. 1. [110] As of 14 December 2014, The UPDS has formally disbanded following the mass surrender of all its cadres and leaders. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) was founded on 21 September 2004, through the merger of the Communist Party of India (MarxistLeninist) People's War (People's War Group), and the Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI) and the Communist Party of India (MarxistLeninist) Naxalbari into the CPI (Maoist).[64]. Skirmishes between the two ethnic groups took place during the 1990s. The research used a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale for data collection and a sample of 152 respondents (Generation-Y) from the Kuching region of Malaysia. The Naxal-Maoist insurgency began in India with the Naxalbari uprsing in 1967 in West Bengal. It can take 10,000 kg of satellites to lower the earth's orbits. The designated changeable were measure by the velocity (50mts run test), leg explosive power (vertical jump test) and passing ability (Brady volleyball game test) behavior earlier and later the 12 weeks of activity program. The study found that few farmers were found to use solar photovoltaic technology and solar equipment for farming. The Chandela or Chandel was an Indian Rajput clan of Central India. The Governor of RBI is the Chairman of BBB. With the impending independence of India, the British announced that the British Paramountcy over the princely states would end, and the states were free to choose between the new Dominions of India and Pakistan or to remain independent. Competence and quality of logistics services (e.g., transport operators, customs brokers). Moreover, recessions are common and are often influenced by global interconnections. Navaneetha Krishnan Rajagopal,Gowtham Ramkumar, Muhammed Yousoof, Dr. Abhinav Priyadarshi Tripathi ,Dr. Kiran S. Kakade , Dr. Nitin Sharma, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, (d) They protect the body from the diseases caused by pathogens. This emotional intelligence is necessary because it brings flexibility and reduces the chances of workplace stress. Thepaper has just been written just when the COVID 19 pandemic effects and debates are ongoing.The findings of this paper have significant practical and research implication for scholars,academics, practitioners, policy makers and general populace. DOI: [136], The parallel rise of Naga nationalism in neighboring Nagaland led to the emergence of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) activities in Manipur. 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.003. similar to that which naturally makes up coral reefs and tropical white sand beaches. A coastal state has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured from baseline determined in accordance with the convention. The KLO was formed to address problems of the Koch Rajbongshi people such as large-scale unemployment, land alienation, perceived neglect of Kamtapuri language, identity, and grievances of economic deprivation.[118]. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 1221-1227 [146] It is currently in a ceasefire with the Indian government. DOI: The questionnaire was empirically tested after approving its reliability and validity. 3. 2020, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 442-446 This phrase was created using statistics, machine learning, database methods, and optimization techniques. The outfit was also engaged in internecine clashes with other terrorist outfits in the Northeast, like the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT). As a result, they have become popular amongst the unemployed youths. Economic growth is still a central macroeconomic goal of every society, whether rich or poor and this study has explored the role of financial integration and knowledge sharing in this regard by assuming that their effect on the economic growth of developing and developed countries may be different. DOI: As well as proposing the relevantform for communicating such information as a CAMS in the l audit report. It is an initiavtive to support Low Income Countries with unsustainable debt. also known as Seacrete or Seament, refers to the substance formed by electro-accumulation of minerals dissolved in seawater. Religious or ethnic differences have also played a role in amplifying the insurgent movements. 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.105. 10.47750/cibg.2022.28.04.0011, This research article investigates the effects of school principals' distributed leadership style onteachers' job satisfaction and organizational commitment in a low-income, underdevelopedcountry. As per Cripps Mission, a Constituent Assembly would be formed to frame a new constitution for the country. Till today the impact of the pandemic is there and our Nation, India is coming back to new normalcy. Everything About Applying for Top Pediatrics Residency Programs. Which of the above have borders with Afghanistan? The study concluded that there is a significant relation betweenSustainable livelihood and Institutional support, Marketing strategies and Women Empowerment. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, In October 1997, members of the BNLF kidnapped and murdered a Mizo forest guard in Dampa Tiger Reserve. Digitalization is the process of moving into digital business refers to digitalization. 2022, Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 504-516 | The proposed conceptual framework is focused on customer profiles and includes recommendations on AI implementations in a retail company, from the perspective of CECoR drivers.
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