Site Map, List of Critically Endangered Species in 2022, Plant & Animal Classification Guide (Biological Taxonomy), Remote Forests in Indonesia, Borneo, and Malaysia, Batang Toru hydropower project, Exotic pet trade, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, South-East Asia, Poachers, Forest Fires, and Habitat Destruction, Deforestation, Palm Oil Plantations, Poachers, Commercial Fishing Nets, Collisions with Vessels, A single forest in Andhra Pradesh (India), Epping Forest National Park (Queensland, Australia), Cattle, Bushfires, Climate Change, Natural Disasters. Major conservation efforts are concentrated in Florida, Thailand, and Queensland Australia [source]. Theyre endangered too! The African spurred tortoise can reach lengths of 83 cm (33 in) and weights of 105 kg (231 lb.). New roads, constructed to build new mines, fragment gorilla habitats. Overall bumble bee populations are falling worldwide. In 2022, there are 37,400 species threatened with extinction, with 3,483 classified as critically endangered[source]. If you want to help Javan rhinos, one of the most endangered animals in 2022, then heres how you can do it: If you want to read more about the critically endangered rhinos, then head over to Endangered Rhinos | What Rhinos are Endangered and Why? 7. Plants on which the southern plains bumblebee feeds on include milkweeds, prairie clovers, cassias and blazing stars. Im an early teenager, and I really want to help animals but I dont know what to do or where to start. This crocodile species cant walk properly on land as the others, and therefore, its difficult for them to disperse to other waterways. They are also at risk from habitat loss, bycatch and pollution as well as climate change. They aim to protect and monitor the existing Hainan gibbon population. how many Amur leopards are left in the wild now? Despite the slowly growing population within the protected reserve, the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is still considered critically endangered because it is only found in one very small area[source]. The Batang Toru hydropower project is one of the Orangutans greatest threats. The heart-warmingly playful orangutan can be found in Indonesia, Borneo, and Malaysia. His dog had caught it and carried it in his mouth back to the hunter. The primary threat to the Sumatran Elephant is the depletion of their habitats. There are also several captive populations in zoos in the United States which act as a safety net population. Estimates place the current population at 15,000 to 23,000 nesting females[source]. They focus their efforts on protecting macaw habitats and establishing breeding boxes to facilitate population growth. What are the Main Threats to the Javan Rhinoceros? It is found in the Sahara Desert and the Sahel; a dry grassland / savanna region that stretches across Africa from Mauritania in the west to Ethiopia and Eritrea in the east. Other human-led threats such as plastic pollution, climate change and rising sea levels could further contribute to the decline of this species in the future. This habitat has been overtaken for agriculture and palm oil plantations. When people go to visit the Gorillas, the tourism money is used to protect the Gorillas and support local communities, which decreases the temptation to hunt these great creatures. Today, the population has been replenished up to above 500 Iguanas, with about 200 in the wild and the remainder in zoos[source]. Adopt an animal today and help protect some of our most endangered wildlife and support other vital work around our planet. Illegal fishing to poaching, we have compromised thousands of species habitats to fulfill our luxuries. Tourist education is most prominently promoted through the Too Rare to Wear campaign. Like many endangered animals, their decline is mostly due to poaching, habitat loss, disease and human conflict. Unfortunately we cant feature every endangered animal, there are just too many. Because of poaching, three of the five species of rhinos are among the most endangered animals in 2022: the, Join us in the Fight for Our Children's Future, Join us in the fight for a Healthy Thriving Planet, Join us in the Fight for a Liveable Planet. 11. Thank you for your comment, you raise an important point. Tiger beetles are beetles in the subfamily Cicindelinae. What are the Main Threats to the Amur Leopard? In 2018, their numbers were still around 1,000 individuals and stabilising in the wild. The U.S. Saola Saola | Image Credit - Bill Robichaud The tiger is the largest member of the cat family Felidae. One influential US study[source] looking at four bumble bee species found that their populations have fallen by up to 96%, with their geographical ranges contracting by 2387%. And this has had an impact on tiger numbers, which have been shrinking along with their habitats. Most wild tigers are found in southern Asia, although a separate population exists in Siberia. Endangered Animals List 2022 Animal Index Click on a photo below to find out more about a particular animal (or scroll down to browse the entire list). Privacy Policy The main threat to the southern plains bumblebee is the conversion of its native grassland habitat into fields for crops. In this post, well be discussing the five most endangered animals in 2022, one of them has only 10 individuals left. Sadly, this could be yet another stark reminder of what soon may follow for many endangered species, including the Yangtze finless porpoise. From 2008 to 2017 the Mexican government slowly introduced some laws to similarly restrict the use of gillnets, but illegal gillnet fishing has continued every year since. The black-headed spider monkey is an endangered monkey found in tropical and subtropical forests in Colombia, Ecuador and Panama. Sadly, fishing of the shark continues today, and remains legal in even developed areas, such as some jurisdictions in Australia[source]. The Galpagos penguin is found on the Galpagos Islands, an island group in the Pacific Ocean 563 miles off the coast of Ecuador. Good comment. Thank you for your comment we appreciate it. While the Yangtze river plays a crucial role in healthy ecosystem functioning, years of environmental degradation, overfishing and water pollution in the region are having detrimental impacts on many animal species who call it their home. Unlike all other cetaceans (the animal group that contains all whales, dolphins and porpoises), the species swims on its side. 6. There are three species of Orangutan the Sumerian, Bornean, and Tapanuli Orangutans. The Eastern Lowlands, Western Lowlands, and Cross River Gorillas are all critically endangered with extremely low and declining wild populations. Of all the big cats, tigers are the closest to extinction. This poses a substantial threat to mountain gorilla numbers as people have moved into areas closer to these great apes for food, shelter and spaceover 500,000 people live near mountain gorilla habitat at present. Population estimates showed the population dropped from 567 in 1997 to 19 in 2018[source]. Top 10 Endangered Animals 2022 EncycloBeast 339 subscribers Subscribe 173 Share 14K views 1 year ago This video is about Top 10 Endangered Animals of 2022 who are on the brink of extinction. Rhinos. First on the list of the worlds most endangered animals in 2022 is the amur leopard. List of Critically Endangered Species in 2022 Contents show 1. This is the inner coastline of the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, just south of the state of California. Service announces over $39 million to California to conserve imperiled species. It was first discovered in 1992 in the Annamite Range in Vietnam and is rarely seen. This flower has the quality that it can extend up to 3 meters. All three critically endangered macaw species face the dual threats of deforestation and poaching. Sunda tigers in particular are especially vulnerable. While historically whaling was the biggest threat to the North Atlantic Right Whale, today whaling has been banned throughout the whales range. The biggest threat to the African wild dog is habitat loss. You can find out more about endangered animals on this page: Find out more about the animal kingdom here: You can find out more about elephants on this page: You can read more about African wild dogs on this page: You can find out more about aye-ayes on this page: You can find out more about basking sharks on this page: You can find out more about the black-footed ferret on this page: You can find out more about spider monkeys on this page: You can find out more about blue whales on this page: You can find out more about bonobos on this page: You can find out more about chimpanzees on this page: You can find out more about dholes on this page: You can find out more about the penguins on this page: You can find out more about the golden lion tamarin on this page: You can find out more about golden poison frogs on this page: Where found: Tropical and Subtropical Oceans Worldwide. Meanwhile, due to the shrinking habitat, the tigers traditional prey is also dwindling, which can affect the tiger population density a forest can carry[source]. Take a look at this page: Golden Lion Tamarin Facts. Several zoos in the Philippines and Australia have sustainable captive breeding programs for a safety net population. There are only around 10,000 Galpagos sea lions left in the wild. The estimated species populations in 2022 are as follows: While there are more Black Rhinos than Greater One-Horned Rhinos, the precipitous population decline of the Black Rhino makes scientists increasingly concerned about their survival. The main reason behind the decline is due to poaching, which is frequent, widespread and intensive, especially in Central Africa. If you want to contribute to saving the vaquitas, then head over to the Porpoise Conservation Society, and donate or adopt one of them. However, the species most at risk is the Sumatran elephant, with a population of about 2,400-2,800 individuals. Bumble Bee conservation is something everyone can participate in. Sources of information for this page include the International Union for Conservation of Nature (website) and the IUCN RedList. The species is Alabamas official state reptile. Outside of the mating season, the arroyo toad spends much of the day buried in sand or mud, emerging at night to forage for ants and other small insects. Across all three species, there are estimated to be less than 120,000 Orangutans left in the world[source]: Considering that in 1976, there were over 280,000 Bornean Orangutans alone[source], this population decline is a serious concern. Saola 2. Individuals can also adopt an orangutan through The Orangutan Project. Unlike all but two of the over 500 other species of sharks, the whale shark it is a filter feeder. Like all spider monkeys it has extremely long limbs and a long, prehensile tail. Currently, on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list, more than 41,000 species have been assessed to be under threat of extinction. Projects aimed to reverse the amphibians decline include acquisition of land by The Nature Conservancy, an American non-profit organization. If you would like to support our work, adopt an animal today and help make a difference where it really matters. Threats to the sea otter include oil spills and accidental capture in fishing nets. The south Asian river dolphin is a freshwater dolphin found in the Indus, Beas, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers of south Asia. . So are the Scalloped hammerhead shark and the Borneo shark! Threats to the green sea turtle include the harvesting of both eggs and turtles by humans from the turtles nesting grounds, and the accidental capture of turtles in nets and long lines meant for fish. Furthermore, a fatwa (Islamic religious degree) has been ordered against poaching by religious authorities. The International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita has since 1997 recommended banning large fishing nets in the gulf. And I was just wondering if you could give me some tips. You can find out more about the whale shark on this page: Discover amazing animals from all around the world: First, get in touch with existing organisations for help and advice. Based on this rapid decline, it is probable that this dolphin will never be seen again. Recent surveys have demonstrated a population decline of 16.6% between 2000 and 2012. Here are the top 15 endangered species. wow really i had no idea the tigers were one. The majority of the remaining Sumatran Tigers live in a series of dispersed but fragmented national parks, although about 100 remain in unprotected forest that is rapidly being eroded. The Mountain Gorilla, a subspecies of the Eastern Gorilla, has a population of around 1,000, which has risen from 600 in 2015. The Alabama red-bellied cooter is a species of turtle found in Alabamas MobileTensaw River Delta, a 260,000 acre wetland region. The south Asian river dolphin is almost entirely blind (although its eyes may be able to detect changes in light) and hunts using echolocation. Correct, the giant panda currently has the conservation status Vulnerable, which means that, while it is still threatened, it is no longer endangered. The whale shark is usually found near the surface of the ocean, but is known to dive to depths of 1.2 miles / 1.928 km. Get some work experience at an existing organisation. have suffered a staggering decline in their numbers due to hunting and habitat loss. Once abundant in the Atlantic Ocean, it became one of the most heavily hunted species by whalers in the 18th and 19th Centuries[source]. These citizen science projects allow scientists to find and monitor rare bumble bee species. In particular, fixed snow crab and lobster fishing gear have been limited in parts of Canadian water[source]. Poaching for elephant tusk also remains a serious problem with estimates taken between 2012 and 2015 showing 10% of all wild Sumatran Elephants had been killed for ivory in just that 3 year period[source]. 10 of the world's most endangered animals, Brent Stirton / Reportage for Getty Images / WWF, Once found throughout south-east Asia, Javan rhinos. Sign up to get the latest WWF news delivered straight to your inbox. As well as elephant poaching, habitat loss and land-use change for agriculture and other land uses have resulted in fragmented habitats and increasing human-elephant conflict leading to losses on both sides. That means even small temperature changes could skew the sex ratio of populations. It has a lack of regulations on harvesting. (No sign-up required; just click, download & print.). Unlike most sharks, the basking shark is a filter feeder rather than an active hunter. It is a member of the family Dasyuridae, which also contains the quolls and other mainly carnivorous / insectivorous marsupials. Currently, more than 41,000 species have been assessed to be under threat of extinction according to the IUCN. The main threat to the okapi is deforestation. Some types of fishing nets have also been banned in migratory routes. Due to its low-energy bamboo-based diet, the red panda spends most of its life either eating or sleeping. Around 75% of their home range lies in protected areas in Russia and China, and they are also moving into suitable habitats outside of these protected areas. Conservation status: Critically endangered, Locations: Marine (only in the northern Gulf of California). The name Gharial has an Indian root because this crocodile species males have a ghara. Threats that face the gray wolf are legal and illegal shootings, overhunting, and traffic. Its abundant golden hair frames a charismatic black face and covers its small body and tail. Their horns are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Theyre endangered! Vaquitas accidentally end up entangled in the gillnets set for totoaba and drown because they can no longer swim to the surface to breathe. In addition, drugs administered to livestock upon whose carcasses the vulture preys are harmful to the bird. Numbat EPBC Status: Endangered The Ujung Kulon National Park, a World Heritage Site, is the last remaining refuge of Javan rhinos. I think there should be more research about Andean flamingos. Top 15 Most Endangered Species in the Philippines. The intention of the project is to create a new genetically viable population that can remain active, even if other wild populations die out. Despite increased efforts in tiger conservation including strengthening law enforcement and anti poaching capacity a substantial market remains in Sumatra and other parts of Asia for tiger parts and products. Unfortunately, the vaquita is the most endangered animal in 2022 as its population is continually reducing, with only 10 of them remaining. Poachers continue to hunt the tiger to use its bones for jewelry, tiger skin rugs, and tiger bone wine. People in the USA can donate by clicking here, whereas, those in the UK, click this link. The arroyo toad population currently consists of fewer than 3,000 individuals and continues to decrease. In the 21st Century, the Panda is faced with evolving threats. Lets hope this beautiful animal can make a comeback before becoming endangered. Once upon a time, Yangtze river dolphins used to live alongside finless porpoises, but there haven't been any freshwater dolphin sightings for the past two decades. Black-footed ferrets are endangered due to persecution of its main prey source, prairie dogs. For reference, the tigers that live in the Amur region are the biggest of all the big cats where males can weigh up to twice as much as Sunda Island tigers. The critically endangered population estimates stand at: The Glaucous Macaw and Red-Fronted Macaw were once widely found in pockets of South America, particularly around Bolivia and Uruguay respectively. It can give you an idea that how specimen it is. The aye-aye finds food by tapping on trees with its fingers; it can tell by the sound if theres an insect grub hidden beneath the bark. Their habitat is in the northern Gulf of California, which also contains the totoaba, a highly sought-after endangered fish that goes for around $20,000 on the black market. The Javan rhino is the closest to extinction with only around 60 individuals left, all of which are in Ujung Kulon National Park in Indonesia, while black rhino population is estimated to be around 5,500 individuals. Unfortunately, the vaquita is the most endangered animal in 2022 as its population is continually reducing, with only 10 of them remaining. The world's top 10 endangered animals are about to be revealed, and they're all pretty shocking. This targeted Boosting helps us to reach wider audiences aiming to convince the unconvinced, to inform the uninformed, to enlighten the dogmatic. In our article on deforestation we highlighted the devastating effect that oil palm plantations have had on the worlds rainforests (and therefore to animals such as orang-utans and tigers). Top 10 Most Endangered Wild Animals Names in India 2022. They keep local fish stocks in a healthy ecological balance by eating slow, sick and abundant fish. As an important intermediary for flora reproduction, the loss of pollinators is having extremely concerning flow-on effects for entire ecosystems. It was first discovered in 1992 in the Annamite Range in Vietnam and is rarely seen. Pangolin. What are the Main Threats to the Vaquita? Asian elephants are the largest land animals in Asia, and the second-largest in the world (after the African bush elephant, another endangered species). I feel so sad that they are going away so quickly. Most of the others have a population of less than 100 and are forced to live in restricted areas to ensure their safety. Often called the Asian unicorn, the saola is one of the rarest mammals on the planet and for this reason, it makes the list of the worlds most endangered animals in 2022. On a governmental level, reduction in pesticide use in agriculture remains key. In addition, the golden lion tamarin is hunted for sale to the pet trade. American Burying Beetle Axolotl Black Rhino Bog Turtle California Condor Chinese Alligator Chinese Giant Salamander Coral Pink Sand Dunes Tiger Beetle Conservation is focused on reducing populations of invasive predators such as feral pigs from around nesting habitats and cleaning the oceans of deadly plastic waste. Today the majority of these orangutans are found in the northernmost tip of Sumatra in the Leuser Ecosystem, a landscape that includes tropical lowland rainforests and steamy peatland swamps. There are an estimated 150 Sumatran Elephants in the park. 2. It is believed that the population only increases during good wet years. The next culprit behind Amur leopards decline in population is their poaching to get the gorgeous, spotted fur. Primary causes for the African spurred tortoises endangered status are habitat loss (due to farming and bush fires), capture for the pet trade, and being hunted for meat. The Cross River Gorilla is a sub-species of the Western Lowlands Gorilla with a population estimated at 250-300. The captive Iguana Head Start Program occurs because young Jamaican Iguanas die at unsustainably high rates. The remaining population numbers about 400 and are observed up and down the east coast of North America as well as Iceland and Greenland[source]. The Mountain gorilla is a subspecies of the eastern gorilla, which lives in two isolated populations in the high-altitude forests up in the volcanic, mountainous regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda, and in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park of Uganda. There are two species of gorillas, the Eastern gorilla and the Western gorilla, which both have two subspecies. When Jamaica was settled by Europeans, the Iguana was thought to have been endemic throughout the island. From various species of tigers to dolphins, 7,079 animals are on the brink of extinction. It relies on its fur for insulation, as, unlike most other marine mammals, it lacks a layer of blubber. Hi, I love animals and would do anything to help them. Hundreds of thousands of animals around the world are threatened by human action and climate change and are in need of protection and conservation efforts. (Its completely free, you can unsubscribe at any time, and well never share your details.). Scientists have found correlation between areas with extreme temperature swings and higher overall temperatures and bumble bee population decline[source]. Like most vultures, the Egyptian vulture is primarily a scavenger. Researchers scouring pet markets have found numerous red-fronted Macaws being illegally sold in Bolivia and Peru[source]. As both the smallest and most endangered marine mammal in the world, the vaquita has been classified as critically endangered by the IUCN since 1996 and experts say there may only be about 10 individuals left, despite extensive conservation efforts. One female will breed three or four times in her lifetime. This ensures the fish stock is overall in good condition while also ensuring no one fish species becomes too dominant. In Africa, the Barbary macaque lives in high-altitude forests, and in Gibraltar, in rocky coastal areas. You can see more endangered species on this page: Critically Endangered Species. Other populations, such as the Common Eastern Bumble Bee, remain stable. you forgot the most endangered species, kakapo! Ghara, which is named after a traditional Indian pot, is a large bulbous growth on the tip of their snout. Three of 19 species of Macaw are critically endangered. The Tapanuli orangutan is the newly described species of orangutan, listed as a distinct species in 2017. Their biggest threat is from the illegal fishing of totoaba, a large fish in demand because of its swim bladder. While the Panda population is increasing in some areas, it is also declining in Liangshan, Xiangling and Niuweihe, prompting concerns about local extinctions in those areas. The annual decline rate of 13% means these animals are expected to become extinct within 10 years if there are no effective conservation actions in place. The basking shark is the worlds second-largest fish. Sea Turtles. As both the smallest and most endangered marine mammal in the world, the. You can see a list of critically endangered animals on this page: Critically Endangered Species 2022: List with Pictures & Facts, Test your knowledge of endangered animals with these FREE printable pdf question sheets. Finless porpoises live in the Yangtze River in China. 1.2. Pickersgill's reed frog. Efforts to protect them from over-fishing vary by jurisdiction. Deep in the dense, humid forests of West and Central Africa, you can find the elusive forest elephant, one of the two members of the African elephant species.
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