Here's a list of the standard source values for Azure AD claims available as per today. In turn, this service does the "on-behalf-of" flow to call a downstream service. A step has been added in the user SignUpSignIn journey to call the REST API before issuing the JWT token. These claims are only applicable for JWTs (ID tokens and Access Tokens). Apps should read and apply auth context using MS Graph calls. URL-encode the string and add again to the claims parameter. In this scenario, we walk through the case in which a web app accesses two services one of which has a Conditional Access policy assigned. I have an Azure Function 2.x ( Core) and am authenticating with Azure AD. In the Application Insights technical profile, you send input claims that are persisted to Azure Application Insights. The following snippet illustrates a custom Express.js middleware: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Conditional Access authentication context, Enable your Angular single-page application to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph, Enable your React single-page application to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph, Enable your ASP.NET Core web app to sign in users and call Microsoft Graph, Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, How to use Continuous Access Evaluation enabled APIs in your applications, Granular Conditional Access for sensitive data and actions, The tenant ID or tenant domain name (for example, being accessed. Build a screen in the admin portal of the app (or an equivalent functionality) that IT admins can use to map sensitive actions against an available auth context ID. From the Token Configuration overview screen, select the pencil icon next to upn, select the Externally authenticated toggle, and then select Save. For example, Same as above, except that the hash marks (, In v1 access tokens, this claim is used to change the format of the, Emits the client ID of the resource (API) in GUID format as the. A claims challenge is a response sent from an API indicating that an access token sent by a client application has insufficient claims. If the token is expired or we need to comply with a Conditional Access policy, then the acquireToken function fails and the app uses acquireTokenPopup() or acquireTokenRedirect(). When you're finished updating the manifest, select Save to save the manifest. Consumer accounts support a subset of these claims, marked in the "User Type" column. Search for and select Azure Active Directory. The article also explores the implications of Conditional Access in the on-behalf-of flow, web apps, accessing Microsoft Graph, and calling APIs. It can be a choice between a strong policy that impacts users' productivity when they access most data and actions or a policy that is not strong enough for sensitive resources. An example of how the request to Azure AD will look like: When you already have an existing payload for claims parameter, then you would add this to the existing set. Once a directory extension attribute created via AD Connect is in the directory, it will show in the SAML SSO claims configuration UI. You are building a native app that uses a middle tier service to access a downstream API. Launch the option 'Get new Access token' in Postman, and enter the configuration values obtained from the previous steps in this post. In the client application, Intercept the claims challenge and redirect the user back to Azure AD for further policy evaluation. If your application manifest requests a custom extension and an MSA user logs in to your app, these extensions won't be returned. The code snippet that follows is from the code sample, Use the Conditional Access auth context to perform step-up authentication. The application can then use either acquireTokenPopup() or acquireTokenRedirect() on the same resource. When the app tries to acquireToken, it may generate the following error (illustrated in the following diagram): If the app is using the MSAL library, a failure to acquire the token is always retried interactively. Session ID, used for per-session user sign-out. Requires the. Let's go back to our ClaimsXRay Enterprise Application in the AAD Portal . Here is the list of all the optional claims which contains few of the Restricted claims and these can be passed in tokens using manifest or Claims mapping policies. Procedure 1. Let's say this user is a member of many groups, which in turn corresponds to many containers on the site. While optional claims are supported in both v1.0 and v2.0 format tokens and SAML tokens, they provide most of their value when moving from v1.0 to v2.0. The application can configure a different set of optional claims to be returned in each token type. For example, for an Azure AD tenant, IT admins would have the knowledge of how many of the tenant's users are equipped to use 2FA for MFA and thus can ensure that Conditional Access policies that require 2FA are scoped to these equipped users. Bear in mind that the release of the claims is a matter of availability and consent, and the IdP or the end-user may choose to provide a subset or even none of the claims that the client application requested. This feature helps developers build smoother user experiences for most parts of their application, while access to more secure operations and data remains behind stronger authentication controls. In the following scenarios, specifics of the error and how to extract the parameter are explained. HTTP Status Code: Must be 401 Unauthorized. Make sense? Developers use a Conditional Access Auth Context reference value with the Claims Request parameter to give apps a way to trigger and satisfy policy. Claim resolvers in Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C) custom policies provide context information about an authorization request, such as the policy name, request correlation ID, user interface language, and more. Azure AD Claims. The IT administrators and regulators often struggle between balancing prompting their users with additional factors of authentication too frequently and achieving adequate security and policy adherence for applications and services where parts of them contain sensitive data and operations. When I decode my bearer token, I can see it's not getting the 'roles' claim. Azure AD B2C reads the value of the claim resolver and uses the value in the technical profile. If more than one is present, the first is used and any others ignored. The claims challenge is a directive as a www-authenticate header returned by an API when an access token presented to it isn't authorized, and a new access token with the right capabilities is required instead. Declares the optional claims requested by an application. Within the SAML tokens, these claims will be emitted with the following URI format: Developers use a Conditional Access Auth Context reference value with the Claims Request parameter to give apps a way to trigger and satisfy policy. Some popular applications like Microsoft Graph send claims challenges only if the calling client app declares that it's capable of handling them by using client capabilities. This is a simple architecture but has some nuances that need to be taken into account when developing around Conditional Access. Click on the required claim which you want to modify. Once Web API 1 tries to request a token on-behalf-of the user for Web API 2, the request fails since the user has not signed in with multi-factor authentication. Claims are usually key/value-pairs attached to the user object in some way. This challenge is encoded in the claims parameter that comes in a response from Azure AD. The optional claims returned in the JWT access token. Optional claims can be configured from the Azure Portal to include Groups. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. At this point, the end user needs to comply with the Conditional Access policy. An application will not receive claims challenges (and will not be able to use the related features such as CAE tokens) unless it declares it is ready to handle them with the "cp1" capability. When we are using Azure Active Directory, we need to add extra information related to the user in the token that we received once that we get an authenticated user in our app. In a Relying party policy technical profile, you may want to send the tenant ID, or correlation ID to the relying party application within the JWT. Schema and open extensions aren't supported by optional claims, only extension attributes and directory extensions. The two letter ISO code for the language. In this scenario, the application should clear the token from any local cache or user session. The user is forced to do a multi-factor authentication. This claim is only included when the password is expiring soon (as defined by "notification days" in thepassword policy). Then, it should redirect the signed-in user back to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to retrieve a new token by using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow with a claims parameter that will satisfy the additional requirements that were not met. For managed users (the users inside the tenant), it must be requested through this optional claim or, on v2.0 only, with the OpenID scope. You can refine your Zero Trust policies for least privileged access while minimizing user friction and keeping users more productive and your resources more secure. If "emit_as_roles" is used, any application roles configured that the user is assigned won't appear in the role claim. Additional properties of the claim. The API can then customize their responses based on whether the client is capable of handling claims challenge or not. In addition to these, custom synced attributes are also allowed in the claims. Add the following entry using the manifest editor: By default Group ObjectIDs will be emitted in the group claim value. I have a requirement where end-user who gets an authorized token can use custom user-defined claims present in token for his own logic. Fields in the header are unordered. The claims challenge should be passed as a part of all calls to Azure AD's /authorize endpoint until a token is successfully retrieved, after which it is no longer needed. Enter the constant value without quotes in the Source attribute as per your organization and click Save. Note: this option is available to both public and confidential cient applications. Some scopes may map to multiple datasets if it grants access. Required when error is "insufficient_claims". In this scenario, the order in which you request a token plays an important role in the end-user experience. . Conditional Access enables developers and enterprise customers to protect services in a multitude of ways including: For more information on the full capabilities of Conditional Access, see the article What is Conditional Access. The following table lists the claim resolvers with information about the OpenID Connect authorization request: Check out the Live demo of the OpenID Connect claim resolvers. For example, this feature allows the ability to modify the background image on the Azure AD B2C sign-up or sign-in page based on a custom parameter that you pass from your web or mobile application. Identity actions in the code that can be made available to map against auth context Ids. Do not use auth context where the app itself is going to be a target of Conditional Access policies. This API returns additional claims that Azure AD B2C includes in the tokens it issues. user.department. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. If specified in realm, the tenant information MUST be included in the authorization_uri. When adding claims to the access token, the claims apply to access tokens requested for the application (a web API), not claims requested by the application. The value of the xms_cc claim request will be included as the value of the xms_cc claim in the access token, if it is a known value. With Azure Application Insights and claim resolvers you can gain insights on user behavior. You can use custom data in extension attributes and directory extensions to add optional claims for your application. "All" (this option includes SecurityGroup, DirectoryRole, and DistributionList), "ApplicationGroup" (this option includes only groups that are assigned to the application), It's also possible to write an application that uses the, The ID tokens will now contain the UPN for federated users in the full form (. The following example sends the policy ID, correlation ID, language, and the client ID to Azure Application Insights. Handle exception in the call to Web API, if a claims challenge is presented, the redirect the user back to Azure AD for further processing. If supported by a specific claim, you can also modify the behavior of the OptionalClaim using the AdditionalProperties field. I am trying to use the OAUTH-KV Claims Resolver to extract the value of a parameter named foo passed to an AAD B2C custom policy authorize endpoint as a claim, also named foo. Azure AD sends back the following HTTP response: Our app needs to catch the error=interaction_required. The. Examples of auth context may be: Create or modify your Conditional Access policies to use the Conditional Access Auth Contexts. The xms_cc claim with a value of "cp1" in the access token is the authoritative way to identify a client application is capable of handling a claims challenge. An application can configure optional claims to be returned in each of three types of tokens (ID token, access token, SAML 2 token) that it can receive from the security token service. According to RFC 7235, each parameter name must occur only once per authentication scheme challenge. Select Add optional claim, select the ID token type, select upn from the list of claims, and then select Add. user.dnsdomainname. Here are a few scenarios using Conditional Access to do multi-factor authentication that gives some insight into the difference. This value isn't guaranteed to be correct, and is mutable over time - never use it for authorization or to save data for a user. The user's preferred language, if set. Client capabilities help resources providers (RP) like our Web API above to detect if the calling client application understands the claims challenge and can then customize its response accordingly. To populate the claims parameter, the developer has to: Decode the base64 string received earlier. For more information, see Set up direct sign-in using Azure Active Directory B2C. This allows the app developer to control the end-user experience and not force the Conditional Access policy to be invoked in all cases. Client capabilities help a resources provider like a Web API detect whether the calling client application understands the claims challenge and can then customize its response accordingly. Checks if the application's action being called requires step-up authentication. For example, if we replace the resource with Azure AD Graph, the role claims could issued in the id_token successfully. Claim not found in custom . Configure access tokens for the groups claim. This section covers the configuration options under optional claims for changing the group attributes used in group claims from the default group objectID to attributes synced from on-premises Windows Active Directory. Few of the restricted Claims are available as optional claims which you can use. And then you can acquire the access token in the iframe using adal library without user interaction since the users already sign-in. The majority of these claims can be included in JWTs for v1.0 and v2.0 tokens, but not SAML tokens, except where noted in the Token Type column. Some applications require group information about the user in the role claim. Values C1-C25 are available for use as Auth Context IDs in a tenant. The end user just landed on the site and doesnt have a session. Convert DateTime claim to string in Azure AD B2C custom policy. 0. When an end user signs in, the native app requests access to the middle tier and sends the token. user.assignedroles. Make sure to consent to the following permissions requirements: Gather Supporting IDs Time when the user last authenticated. When finished, select Save. This is part of the entirely. Any parameter name included as part of an OIDC or OAuth2 request can be mapped to a claim in the user journey. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Conditional Access authentication context, Microsoft identity platform authentication libraries, Microsoft identity platform documentation, Conditional Access Auth Context reference, Authentication flows and application scenarios guide, Use Conditional Access Auth Context in your app for step-up authentication, Use the Conditional Access Auth Context to perform step-up authentication, Use the Conditional Access auth context to perform step-up authentication, Claims Challenge in the Microsoft Identity Platform, Use the Conditional Access auth context to perform step-up authentication for high-privilege operations in a web app, Use the Conditional Access auth context to perform step-up authentication for high-privilege operations in a web API, Granular Conditional Access for sensitive data and actions (Blog), Zero trust with the Microsoft Identity platform, Building Zero Trust ready apps with the Microsoft identity platform, authenticationContextClassReference resource type - MS Graph, Claims challenge, claims request, and client capabilities in the Microsoft identity platform, Using authentication context with Microsoft Purview Information Protection and SharePoint, How to use Continuous Access Evaluation enabled APIs in your applications, All users signing-into this web application should have successfully completed 2FA for auth context ID, All users signing into this web application should have successfully completed 2FA and also access the web app from a certain IP address range for auth context ID. Within the JWT, these claims will be emitted with the following name format: extn.. To modify the claim value to contain on premises group attributes, or to change the claim type to role, use OptionalClaims configuration as follows: Set group name configuration optional claims. Let us know if this answer was helpful to you. If a property exists in this collection, it modifies the behavior of the optional claim specified in the name property. The resource tenant's preferred language, if set. The REST API gathers is configured to gather custom attributes from the Graph API, it is configured to use an input claim of 'email' to lookup data related to the user logging in and an 'output' claim with the name of my custom claim. The foo ClaimType is defined as With Conditional Access authentication context, you can apply different policies within those apps. It demonstrates how to pass the claims challenge back from Web API 1 to the native app and construct a new request inside the client app. ==== UPDATE 6/29/2017 Ok, in my ADAL.js SPA app, for the config.ClientID, I assigned the guid registration number from the WebAPI I'm trying to reach, rather than the guid registration number of my SPA. Do not hard-code Auth Context values in your app. Different optional claims will be added to each type of token that the application can receive: Find the application you want to configure optional claims for in the list and select it. Premier Dev Consultant Erick Ramirez Martinez explores the use of User Optional and Mapped Claims with Azure AD Authentication. First, your app should be integrated with the Microsoft Identity Platform using the use OpenID Connect/ OAuth 2.0 protocols for authentication and authorization. It's recommended that you use this optional claim instead of using, for example. The upn claim is only changed in the token if the user is a guest in the tenant (that uses a different IDP for authentication). To avoid extra traffic or impacts to user experience, Azure AD does not assume that your app can handle claims challenged unless you explicitly opt in. civil engineering salary in malaysia per month; strings music festival box office; marketing strategy for sports equipment; method crossword clue 5 letters For your app to continue functioning when a new policy is applied, implement challenge handling. For more information on the application manifest, see the Understanding the Azure AD application manifest article. The following example demonstrates how the get the external identity provider claims: You can use claims resolvers with the following elements: In a RESTful technical profile, you may want to send the user language, policy name, scope, and client ID. Some of the improvements of the v2 token format are available to apps that use the v1 token format, as they help improve security and reliability. In order to validate that your accessToken changes are in effect, request a token for your application, not another app. To learn more about the capabilities, see, For more info on the MSAL SDK's and access the reference documentation, see the, To learn more about multi-tenant scenarios, see. See OpenID Connect spec. The easiest way for a client to request claims is via the scope parameter. The SAML tokens will now contain the skypeId directory schema extension (in this example, the app ID for this app is ab603c56068041afb2f6832e2a17e237). The following table lists the OAuth2 identity provider claim resolvers: To use the OAuth2 identity provider claim resolvers, set the output claim's PartnerClaimType attribute to the claim resolver. List of additional properties. in the access token, if cp1, foo and bar are known capabilities. Knowledge of single and multi-tenant apps and common authentication patterns is assumed. This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. Third, today it is only available to applications that sign-in users. Changing the manifest for your application will never cause tokens for the Microsoft Graph API to look different. You can also localize your HTML page based on a language parameter, or you can change the content based on the client ID. For the lists of standard claims, see the access token and id_token claims documentation. Azure AD returns an HTTP response with some interesting data: In this instance it's a multi-factor authentication error description, but there's a wide range of interaction_required possible pertaining to Conditional Access. By default, Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript (MSAL.js) passes a randomly generated unique state parameter value in the authentication requests. Azure AD Single Sign-on: Passing parameters from client to Azure for lookup or transformation within a claim / response So in the request scope= the resource is the Microsoft Graph API. Azure AD Conditional Access is a feature included in Azure AD Premium. MUST be an empty string in the case where the authentication goes through the, The URI of the authorize endpoint where an interactive authentication can be performed if necessary. The access tokens that other clients request for this application will now include the auth_time claim. 4.1 Requesting claims via the scope parameter. The www-authenticate header that contains the claims challenge can contain other fields. The following table lists the claim resolvers with information about the policy used in the authorization request: Check out the Live demo of the policy claim resolvers. Generally, the mechanics of Conditional Access behave the same, but the policies your users see will be based on the underlying data your app is requesting from the graph. Must be "insufficient_claims" when a claims challenge should be generated. The custom claims are added to the Azure B2C user attributes. The claims challenge should be passed as a part of all calls to Azure AD's /authorize endpoint until a token is successfully retrieved, after which it is no longer needed. The format of the claims challenge is described in the article, Claims Challenge in the Microsoft Identity Platform. The following table lists the claim resolvers with information about the SAML authorization request: Check out the Live demo of the SAML claim resolvers. Instead, use the user object ID (, Sourced from the user's PrimaryAuthoritativeEmail, Sourced from the user's SecondaryAuthoritativeEmail, For Multi-Geo tenants, the preferred data location is the three-letter code showing the geographic region the user is in. Click on the pencil to edit User Attributes & Claims . So, what if apps were able to mix both, where they can function with a relatively lesser security and less frequent prompts for most users and operations and yet conditionally stepping up the security requirement when the users accessed more sensitive parts? Your application will receive claims challenges from popular services like Microsoft Graph only if it declares its client capabilities in its calls to the service. Applications that use enhanced security features like Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) and Conditional Access authentication context must be prepared to handle claims challenges. In the Azure portal, on the User Attributes & Claims section, click on the Edit icon to edit the claims. (Optional) Declare client capability. Open and login to your Azure portal. An identifier of a claim type already defined in the, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST, The OAuth2 identity provider access token. In Web API 1, we catch the error error=interaction_required, and send back the claims challenge to the desktop app. If you want groups in the token to contain the on premises AD group attributes in the optional claims section, specify which token type optional claim should be applied to, the name of optional claim requested and any additional properties desired. Depending on your app logic, there may exist a path in which your app does not require access to both web services. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Validate the user has permission to access this data, Azure AD Connect documentation about preferred data location, Add claims and customize user input using custom policies in Azure Active Directory B2C, Understanding the Azure AD application manifest article, Add custom data to resources using extensions, Configure group claims for applications with Azure AD, Understanding the Azure AD application manifest document, If the user is a member of the tenant, the value is. Provides the preferred username claim within v1 tokens. Specifically, the following scenarios require code to handle Conditional Access challenges: Conditional Access policies can be applied to the app, but also can be applied to a web API your app accesses. In our case, we've applied our Conditional Access policy to the downstream service (Web API 2) and are using a native app rather than a server/daemon app. The is the stripped version of the appId (or Client ID) of the application requesting the claim. Signals if the client is logging in from the corporate network. There are predefined claims and user-defined claims from extension properties. These improvements only apply to JWTs, not SAML tokens. This claim is the best value to use for the. This flow adds the application claims to the token which it receives from the API call used in the API connector. The source (directory object) of the claim. A user is a member of a group in AD which will correspond to this location (a very easy lookup). (aka Azure AD endpoint). Configuration . The following example demonstrates an array that is defined in both the input claims and the input parameters. This claim is only included when the password is expiring soon (as defined by "notification days" in thepassword policy). This feature is useful for attaching additional user information that your app can use for example, an additional identifier or important configuration option that the user has set. You can directly edit the manifest using this editor.