Google has declared war on the independent media and has begun blocking emails from NaturalNews from getting to our readers. Although it was also warm," Zelensky said in a statement dripping with sarcasm in an address to the nation Saturday. Follow Natural News on Brighteon.Social, Telegram, Parler, Gab, Mewe, and USA.Life, Privacy Policy The BBC made up a story about a Russian 'attack' on a Ukrainian city's water supply where are the 'fake news' fact checkers. Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) arrested eight accomplices in the recent attack on the Crimean Bridge, FSB told TASS on Wednesday. Zelenskyy said more than 150 rockets and drones killed 20 people on Monday and Tuesday, knocking out essential services in more than half of Ukraine. Write for Natural News The bridge [] Russian authorities had warned of reprisals after the attack on the 12-mile, $3.6 billion Kerch Bridge, a symbol of Moscows seizure of Crimea eight years ago. The purpose of this terror attack was to destroy a large piece of civilian infrastructure which carries great importance for Russia," Bastrykin said. /TASS/. Gettr On Saturday, Russia's National Antiterrorism Committee (NAC) said that a truck was blown up on the Crimean Bridge, which caused seven fuel tanks of a freight train to catch fire and two car spans to partially collapse. Eight months planned to repair Crimean bridge: Moscow Russia announced on Friday it was giving itself until 1 July 2023 to rebuild the Crimean bridge after it was partially blown up last week. Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) arrested eight accomplices in the recent attack on the Crimean Bridge, FSB told TASS on Wednesday. He called it a terrorist act masterminded by Ukrainian special forces. A few people have asked why this satellite image of the #CrimeanBridge shows so many damaged sections from a single explosion, so here's a brief Bridges 101 on the likely failure mechanism. "I urge partners to speed up deliveries.". Russian authorities had warned of reprisals after the attack on the 12-mile, $3.6 billion Kerch Bridge, a symbol of Moscows seizure of Crimea eight years ago. The bridge [] The attack on the Crimean bridge was announced by an Israeli major The Investigative Committee head also said that the Federal Security Service (FSB) had identified suspects in the blast. From The New York Times, "Blast on Crimean Bridge Deals Blow to Russian War Effort in Ukraine": The blast and fire sent part of the 12-mile Kerch Strait Bridge tumbling into the sea and killed at least three people, according to the Russian authorities. It was aimed at destroying a major civilian infrastructure facility. That's okay. Get independent news alerts on natural cures, food lab tests, cannabis medicine, science, robotics, drones, privacy and more. Russian officials said a truck exploded, causing Crimea-bound sections of the road part of the bridge to collapse. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin ordered to create a government commission in regard to the emergency situation on the occupied peninsula. Today 8 years, 8 months, 8 days as russians began their attack and hope our victory is less than 8 months ahead. The blast followed threats from Kiev, which has claimed responsibility for an attack that left three civilians dead. Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) has stated that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate was behind last weeks terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge.The FSB also said that the explosive device was camouflaged in rolls with a construction polyethylene film and was shipped from the [Ukrainian] seaport of Odessa to Bulgaria's Ruse in The Biden cabal will scurry away like cowardly RATS with their tails between their legs to their bunkers before triggering nuclear Armageddon in their rush to depopulate the planet. Kiev considers Crimea illegally occupied and Ukrainian officials have floated ideas of attacking the bridge in the past. There were no bridges between Crimea and the rest of Russia before 2018. Putin ordered a government commission to examine the Kerch bridge emergency in Crimea, Russian state media TASS reported. The Defense Ministry said on Saturday that the supply of troops will continue uninterrupted by both land and sea. Theattacks came hours after an explosion Saturday that caused the partial collapse of theKerch Bridge, an important supply artery for the Kremlins war effort. He used both a virtual anonymous number purchased on the Internet and registered to Ukrainian citizen Sergey Vladimirovich Andreichenko for coordination. That side of the bridge reopened to traffic only hours after the blast. Terms of Use Read also: Russia will search for a Ukrainian link, play down importance of Crimean bridge attack, says expert . You can participate in the discussion within 24 hours after the publication of the article. Putin signed a decree Saturday night to step up security for transport crossing through the Kerch Strait, as well as electricity and energy infrastructure in the area.Light vehicle and train traffic via the bridge resumed via the undamaged rail portion and the surviving roadway section of the bridge. On Saturday, Russia's National Antiterrorism Committee (NAC) said that a truck was blown up on the Crimean Bridge, which caused seven fuel tanks of a freight train to catch fire and two car spans to partially collapse. Mika Tyry, a retired military demolition specialist, told YLE, Finland's national broadcaster, that the flames and sparks are consistent with a thermite bomb. The attack on the Crimean Bridge was ordered, hatched, and carried out by Ukraine's special services, Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated.The chief investigator informed Putin that the Ukrainian special services received assistance from Russian citizens and foreign nationals in preparing the attack. The attack on the Crimean Bridge was ordered, hatched, and carried out by Ukraine's special services, Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated. The increased flow of weapons from the West has played a crucial role in a turnaround in the war as Ukraine forces have pushed back Russian troops, retaking thousands of square miles of land. The attack on the Crimean Bridge was ordered, hatched, and carried out by Ukraine's special services, Russian President Vladimir Putin has indicated.The chief investigator informed Putin that the Ukrainian special services received assistance from Russian citizens and foreign nationals in preparing the attack. Tags: big government, chaos, Collapse, conspiracy, Crimea, Crimean Bridge, declaration of war, Duma, insanity, national security, Russia, Russia-Ukraine war, sabotage, terrorism, Ukraine, violence, Vladimir Putin, World War III What is Russia doing after the explosion? Zelensky signs decree ruling out peace talks with Putin as impossible.. This video is from the channel NEW PATRIOT Russia says a driver with no previous connections to terrorism drove a truck bomb onto the bridge at a time to maximize damage. CrossTalk on Ukraine, HOME EDITION: Blank Check?. We respect your privacy. Was happy to launch Crimean Bridge stamp with @rustem_umerov on Kyiv bridge. Residents now have to again rely on ferries, which were urgently relaunched on Saturday. 238 This Week. (Video: John Farrell/The Washington Post),, vladimir putin, crimean bridge, terrorism, russia, alexander bastrykin, ukraine. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin ordered to create a government commission in regard to the emergency situation on the occupied peninsula. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin ordered to create a government commission in regard to the emergency situation on the occupied peninsula. Disapproval of the war effort is growing in Russia, with vocal critics including Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov andprivate military company owner Yevgeny Prigozhin, as well as state-approved TV presenters, pop starsand "an increasingly vocal community of ultra-nationalistic military bloggers," the British Defense Ministry said in its latest assessment. Writes Lucas Leiroz On October 8, the Kerch Bridge, also known as Crimean Bridge, was partially damaged after a terrorist attack. Unfortunately, it was cloudy in Crimea. Russias Federal Security Service (FSB) has stated that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate was behind last weeks terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge.The FSB also said that the explosive device was camouflaged in rolls with a construction polyethylene film and was shipped from the [Ukrainian] seaport of Odessa to Bulgaria's Ruse in But he also said Biden should be "more cautious" with his rhetoric. The BBC made up a story about a Russian 'attack' on a Ukrainian city's water supply where are the 'fake news' fact checkers. RT explains the significance of the transportation artery which Kiev has repeatedly threatened. Russian officials said a truck exploded, causing Crimea-bound sections of the road part of the bridge to collapse. The attack, which took place early on Saturday, saw a truck exploding on the Crimean Bridge. The 19-km long bridge linking Crimea to Krasnodar was hit by a massive explosion on Saturday morning, killing three people, causing part of the road section to collapse into the sea and oil tankers on the adjacent rail section to catch fire. Residents of Enerhodar,where the plant is located, have been living without electricity and gas for three days, Mayor Dmytro Orlov said Sunday. The region is one of four Russia claimed to annex after bogus referendums conducted at gunpoint that the Kremlin said drew overwhelming support for joining Russia. Putin ordered a government commission to examine the Kerch bridge emergency in Crimea, Russian state media TASS reported. We offer you the possibility to receive RT's news highlights every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by email. Russia's military has been known to use thermite, though Ukraine could have recovered the substance from unexploded Russian munitions. Ukraine stopped short of taking responsibility for the attack, although it was celebrated on social media by the country's Security Service (SBU) and Defense Ministry. However, buses and trucks were asked to use the emergency ferry service until an engineering assessment of the damage is completed. Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, who has been negotiating in an unofficial capacity for the release of Americans Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan from Russian captivity, told CNN on Sunday that an agreement for their freedom could be reached by the end of the year. The bridge through the Kerch Strait consists of two parallel sections: a four-lane road for vehicles and a double-track railway for passenger and freight trains. It's got to end and usually there are negotiations associated with that.". Unfortunately, it was cloudy in Crimea. The bodies of Ukrainian soldiers were buried in a mass grave at another site, police said. 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