Their colonies gave them 7.5 million square miles of territory, about 13% of the Earth's landmass. ), Rich seams of silver are discovered at Potosi, in modern Bolivia, Go to Potos in To do this they exploited recent innovations in navigation, cartography and shipbuilding. ), The British general Charles Cornwallis, isolated at Yorktown, is forced to surrender in the final engagement of the Revolutionary War, Go to Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis (17381805) in ), Napoleon III sends forces to capture the port of Da Nang, beginning the French colonization of Vietnam, Go to Napoleon III (180873) in ), Germany causes international alarm by sending a warship to Agadir, a port in French-controlled Morocco, Go to Agadir crisis (1911) in 10 Oct) in ), Zulu tribesmen surprise and annihilate a British army encamped near Isandhlwana, Go to Isandhlwana, Battle of (22 January 1879) in Mapping the Greatest Empires of History. The empire had ceded territory in two costly wars with Italy and Balkan states, and by the time the dust cleared on WWI, the borders of the newly minted nation of Turkey began at the furthest edge of continental Europe. This gave the British a base from which to campaign against hostile Indian rulers, annexed more territory, and to forge an expanding network of alliances with other princes. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. } 1517 The Ottoman Turks conquer Egypt 1521 Cortes conquers the Aztecs in Mexico 1522 The Ottoman Turks capture Belgrade 1526 In India Babur founds the Mughal Empire 1530 The Portuguese settle in Brazil ), European diseases bring death on a massive scale to an American population that has no immunity, Go to Aboriginals and European diseases in The Oxford Companion to British History (1 rev ed. Tim's History of British Towns, Cities and So Much More, C. 2,350-2,150 BCThe Akkadian Empire exists in what is now Iraq, C. 1,600 BCThe Hittite empire arises in what is now Turkey, C. 1,200 BCTheHittite Empirein Turkey collapses, C. 880 BCThe Assyrians of Northern Iraq begin to create a great empire, 620s BCThe Assyrian Empire is split by civil war. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. In 1580, Philip II of Spain inherited the Portuguese crown, thereby beginning a 60-year union between Portugal and Spain. By this time, the Reformation had been unsettling Europe for several decades, and the Catholic king of Spain was in a determined fight against Protestantism. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), The British seize the strategic port of Aden and administer it as a province annexed to India, Go to Aden in The Delphi Charioteer is one of the most naturalistic bronze statues made in ancient Greece. The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. ), Stanley completes his exploration of the Congo, reaching the Atlantic coast at Boma after a three-year journey, Go to Stanley, Sir Henry Morton (18411904) in ), Peter Minuit purchases the island of Manhattan from local Indians and calls the place New Amsterdam, Go to Minuit, Peter in Otherwise the leftovers of this extraordinary episode in world history are tiny islands or scattered outposts, too small to be viable sovereign states in their own right. The only exceptions to this were at the Cape of Good Hope, where a colony of farmers were established to provision Dutch East India Company ships on their way to and from the East, and around Batavia, the main Dutch base in the East Indies, where the Dutch built up a network of alliances with local rulers to secure their position there. ), India becomes the 'jewel in the crown' of Queen Victoria when Benjamin Disraeli secures for her the title Empress of India, Go to Victoria (18191901) in In India, too, the French had been building up alliances with local rulers aimed as securing their own presence and undermining that of the British. (c) Copyright Oxford University Press, 2021. The establishment of sugar plantations there transformed the economic situation of the colonists there. 1500-present ), Naval officer George Vancouver sails from Britain on the voyage which will bring him to the northwest coast of America, Go to Vancouver, George (175798) in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The latter had started expanding her overseas possessions again, with the occupation of Algeria in 1830. ), Bolvar arrives in Lima to be granted command of the army and dictatorial powers in the republic of Peru, After the surrender of the Spanish army to Antonio Jos de Sucre at Ayacucho, Peru is finally liberated, With a victory at Tumusla Antonio Jos de Sucre liberates Upper Peru (the future Bolivia), the last Spanish stronghold in continental America, Bolvar attempts to create a pan-American gathering in the Congress of Panama, The Turkish governor of Algiers, flicking at the French consul with his fly whisk, finds that he has provoked a French blockade and eventually invasion, Go to Algeria in ), A Portuguese navigator discovers some of the Cape Verde islands, tropical and at that time uninhabited, Go to Cape Verde in ), The parish priest of Dolores sparks a rebellion against the Spanish authorities in Mexico with his Grito de Dolores, Go to Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel (17531811) in In the nineteenth century, the European empires experienced three major changes: the Latin American Wars of Independence, the expansion of European territory in Asia, and the Scramble for Africa. Encyclopedia of Africa (1 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. Throughout the 17th century and well into the 18th century the European presence in Africa, South and South East Asia, and even more so in East Asia (China and Japan), was effectively confined to coastal trading posts, dependent upon the good will of local rulers. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), The citizens of Bogot expel the local Spanish officials and declare their loyalty to the deposed Ferdinand VII, Go to Ferdinand VII (17841833) in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), John Strong, landing on some remote Atlantic islands, names them after Viscount Falkland, treasurer of the British navy, Go to Falkland Islands in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Oxford Companion to World Exploration (1 ed. Period: 1756 to 1763 Seven Years' War The Seven Years' War was a global war fought between 1756 and 1763. Technically speaking, the Emperor controlled vast territory in Central Europe, which contained most of . The Second Punic War is fought. Using the very latest in modern research, the film combines vivid live action with cutting-edge CGI and interviews with world-leading Charlemagne experts to bring this scintillating warrior-king to life. Literature and Ecclesiology in 17th Century England. ), The British, settling in Jamaica, soon turn the island into the major slave market of the West Indies, Go to Jamaica (and Cuba, USA) in Explore more than 5,106 'Roman Empire In Europe Timeline' resources for teachers, parents and pupils In the decades which followed the European powers occupied their respective spheres: Britain took much of East and southern Africa, plus Nigeria and Ghana in West Africa; France took most of the rest of West Africa; Germany took chunks of East and South West Africa, plus Cameroon in West Africa; Belgium took the enormous Congo basin (or rather, king Leopold of the Belgians did, as a personal fief probably the most brutal example of European colonialism since the days of the slave trade); Italy took Libya and parts of the Horn of Africa (but, humiliatingly, was repulsed by the Ethiopian army from occupying that country), and Portugal took the opportunity to extend its coastal holdings inland to take in Angola and Mozambique. ), France and Spain agree that Spain shall become the colonial power in the north of Morocco and France in the south, The South African National Native Congress (subsequently the ANC, African National Congress) is set up in Cape Province, Go to ANC in The empires of Asia were expansive both in geography and in tenure. The Seven Years War had another consequence, less advantageous to the British. Holy Roman Empire. 1888-89The British take control of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). }); Also see the rise and fall of many other empires such as the Rom. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. ), Chile begins four years of untroubled independence, ruled by a junta introducing liberal reforms, Go to Chile in At its height, the Roman Empire spanned . Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. Charlemagne, a Frank ruler, became the Roman Emperor. Cities & Buildings ), The British take control of the existing Boer republic and proclaim Natal a British protectorate, Go to Natal in ), The first partition of Poland begins the process of Lithuania being progressively absorbed into Russia, Captain Cook sets off, in HMS Resolution, on his second voyage to the southern hemisphere, Some fifty colonists, disguised as Indians, tip a valuable cargo of tea into Boston harbour as a protest against British tax, Go to Boston Tea Party (1773) in It eventually rules a large part of Western Asia. ), Captain Cook reaches the mainland of Australia, at a place which he names Botany Bay, and continues up the eastern coast, In response to American protests, the British government removes the Townshend duties on all commodities with the exception of tea, Russia, Prussia and Austria agree a treaty enabling them to divide the spoils in the first partition of Poland, Go to Poland, Partitions of in The long process of expanding its power across most of South America took Spain well into the 18th century. ), Manco Inca begins a siege of the Spaniards in Cuzco that lasts for a year, With the end of the siege of Cuzco, and the flight of Manco Inca, the Spanish have full control of Peru, Go to Peru (and USA) in Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (1 ed. 6th Century BC. The acquisition of such lucrative real estate by European powers inevitably increased the rivalry between them. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and University of Missouri. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. The wealth that this brought was the basis upon which this nation became the leading European power in the second half of the 16th century and early 17th century. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. ), The French colony of Dahomey (known from 1975 as Benin) becomes independent but suffers six military coups in its first twelve years, Go to Benin in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (2 ed. Over the following years, the French build up an empire in North Africa, 1881Tunisia becomes a French protectorate, 1882The British army occupies Egypt and Sudan, 1884The Germans take Namibia, Tanzania, Togo, and Cameroon. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (1 ed. ), Flix Houphout-Boigny, first president of the newly independent Ivory Coast, begins thirty-three years of relatively peaceful rule, Go to Ivory Coast in Their ultimate intention was to find a maritime route to the source of the spices which found such a high price in Europe and the spice trade would play a large part in the development of early overseas empires.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'timemaps_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'timemaps_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',119,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-timemaps_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-119{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. It brought immense profits to European merchants and plantation owners, and significantly contributed to the growth of wealth in European society of the period, and to the eventual birth of the Industrial Revolution. ), Italy, one of the local colonial powers, accepts Ethiopia's claim to the Ogaden region of the Somali territory, The Spanish governor in Cuba is recalled to Spain, for pioneering the concept of the concentration camp, Go to concentration camp in function tl_categories_checked() { The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military (1 ed. ), Bolvar marches his army across the Andes, captures Bogot and proclaims the republic of Gran Colombia, Go to Colombia in European History Timeline. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. But what makes for a strong and lasting . ), James Stirling explores up the Swan River in western Australia to find a site for the settlement which he names Perth, Go to Stirling, James (17911865) in ), A sudden attack by Powhatan Indians, led by their chieftain Opechancanough against the English colony at Jamestown, results in the death of more than 300 settlers, Go to Powhatan Indians in But it was the Munich crisis of September 1938, when British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler as the continent approached the brink of war, which saw the start of the first . ), Two French generals, Raoul Salan and Edmond Jouhaud, form the OAS (Organisation de l'Arme Secrte) to preserve French rule in Algeria, Go to Organisation de l'Arme Secrte in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. The Seven Years War (1756-63: it merged with the French and Indian Wars in North America, 1754-63) was a watershed in the history of the European empires. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), Cecil Rhodes sends colonists to settle the newly won colony of Rhodesia, Go to Rhodesia in Rome Collapses 476 Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus dethroned by barbarians. 1055The Seljuk Turks, a people from Central Asia take Baghdad, 1071The Seljuk Turks defeat the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert, 1076The Seljuk Turks take Damascus and Jerusalem, C. 1100 In Africa the Ghana Empire comes to an end, 1206Genghis Khan unites the Mongols and begins to build a huge empire, C. 1230 The Mali Empire arises in western Africa, 1241The Mongols invade Poland and Hungary but they retreat after the death of Ogedei, Genghis Khans son, C. 1325TheAztecsfound their capital at Tenochtitlan, 1368 The Mongols are driven out of Beijing. ), Bolvar recaptures Bogot from the recently returned Spanish troops, The congress of Vienna leaves the Cape of Good Hope in British hands, Go to Vienna, Congress of (181415) in ), The revolutionary convention of Virginia votes for independence from Britain, and instructs its delegates in Philadelphia to propose this motion, Virginia's motion for independence from Britain is passed at the Continental Congress of the colonies with no opposing vote, Thomas Jefferson's text for the Declaration of Independence is accepted by the Congress in Philadelphia, Go to Declaration of Independence in Traditionally the Middle Ages is seen as the period in Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire in the west in 476, and the fall of Constantinople in the east in 1453, together with the discovery of the Americas by Europeans in 1492, and the start of the Protestant Reformation in 1517. Very soon the Spanish had found Potosi and other silver mines, and were shipping quantities of this precious metal back to Spain. ), Gamal Abdel Nasser and army colleagues form a secret party, the Free Officers, to fight for an independent Egyptian republic, Go to Nasser, Gamal Abdel (19181970) in This soon spread to other western European countries such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. The link was not copied. In fact, Britain was now by far the largest imperial power. It was only when the rise of Germany as a military power caused both Russia and Britain to fear her more than each other, that tensions subsided. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. Through a mixture of great good fortune, amazing courage and enterprise, and breath-taking ruthlessness, Cortes tiny band succeeded in overthrowing the power of the Aztecs and laying the foundation of Spanish rule in the region. $('.chk_timeline_types').change(function() { Date Happenings; 1688: British parliament seizes power from the monarchy: 1707: Act of Union between Scotland and England: 1785 & 1786: Grimm Brothers Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm were born: 1789: The first clear expression of nationalism came with the French Revolution: 1797 . Rulers & Politics Timeline: Consulate/1st French Empire. The shipments of silver and sugar greatly added to the wealth of the home countries of Spain and Portugal. ), French Morocco and Spanish Morocco win independence from the two colonial powers, Go to Morocco in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. ), The Spanish recover Bogot yet again and Bolvar flees into exile in Jamaica, Go to Bolvar, Simn (17831830) in ), Mahatma Gandhi and nearly all the leaders of India's Congress party are arrested and will remain in prison until the end of the war, Go to Gandhi, Mahatma (18691948) in ), The League of Nations makes South West Africa (Namibia) a mandated British territory, to be administered by South Africa, June 28 - German East Africa is to be governed by Britain as Tanganyika, under a League of Nations mandate, Go to Tanzania in ), Charles II grants William Penn the charter for the region that becomes Pennsylvania, in settlement of a debt to Penn's father, Go to Penn, William (16441718) in ), Buenos Aires rather than Asuncin is chosen to be capital of the new Spanish viceroyalty of La Plata, Go to Buenos Aires (Argentina) in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. ), An armed uprising in Morocco persuades France to accept the principle of independence for the colony, Go to Morocco in ), Thousands of women and children die in the concentration camps used by the British army for displaced Boer families, Go to Boer Wars (188081) in ), The Gambia becomes an independent member of the Commonwealth, with Dawda Jawara as prime minister, Go to Gambia in ), Piet Retief reaches a provisional agreement with Dingaan, the Zulu leader, for a Boer settlement in southern Natal, Go to Dingaan (1843) in Medieval Timeline c. 476 - c.1485 The Medieval Period in Europe started around the time of the fall of Ancient Rome and ended with the European Renaissance, historians believe these dates to be from c. 476 to c. 1485. ), French and British forces meet at Fashoda, in a potentially explosive incident in the scramble for Africa, Go to Fashoda crisis (1898) in States & Territories World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. With its smaller population, Portugal was unable to effectively defend its overstretched network of trading posts, and the Dutch were the first to take full advantage of this to grab the spice trade for themselves. ), The British government buys the Danish fortresses on the Gold Coast, including Christiansborg castle in Accra, Go to Ghana in The Turkish Ottoman Empire begins a long, slow decline. ), France incorporates Laos within French Indochina, The territory south of the Zambezi is given the name Rhodesia, in honour of the man who has colonized it, Khama III, the king of Bechuanaland, travels to London to demand the continuing protection of the British crown, Go to Khama III (1837?1923) in By then it was the largest empire the world had yet seen. Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (1 ed. ), Jawaharlal Nehru becomes prime minister of the newly independent republic of India, Go to Nehru, Jawaharlal (18891964) in Together these came to form French Indochina. c. 2000 BCE Bronze Age begins in Northern Europe . The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), Captain James Cook sails from Plymouth, in England, heading for Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus, Go to Cook, James (172879) in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), Rhode Island is founded by Roger Williams as a colony based on the principle of religious tolerance, Go to Williams, Roger (c. 160383) in 2000 BCE - 1500 BCE Wessex culture introduces bronze working to Britain . The Oxford Companion to Military History (1 ed. Jump to a year: BCE CE. 1501 The Safavid Empire, based in Persia begins. The European witch hunts have a long timeline, gaining momentum during the 16th century and continuing for more than 200 years. ), General Gage sends a detachment of British troops to seize weapons held by American Patriots at Concord, Go to Gage, Thomas (172187) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. ), American campaigners against the Stamp Act organize themselves as the Sons of Liberty in Massachusetts and New York, Go to Sons of Liberty in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. The king of the Belgians used his agents to bring the Congo under his personal control. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. The fact that the colonial powers had to deal with many rebellions against their rule never dented this sense of mission, all too often underpinned by a feeling of racial superiority. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. NOTE: If you want to read a detailed breakdown, you can do so here: The Roman Empire Pre-Roman Empire 1200 BCE - beginning of the first iron World Encyclopedia (1 ed. A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed. The country believed it deserved an overseas empire and set its sights on Africa, as European nations had done. A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. These companies amalgamated to form the Dutch East India Company in 1602. 1901The Australian colonies are united to form the Commonwealth of Australia. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. A Dictionary of Political Biography (1 rev ed. Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed. A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed. World Encyclopedia (1 ed. ), The caravel, a sailing ship developed in the Mediterranean and used down the west coast of Africa, is adapted by the Portuguese for Atlantic use, Go to caravel in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (2 ed. ), The Italian forces invading Ethiopia reach Addis Ababa, and Haile Selassie flees into exile, Go to Haile Selassie (18921975) in A Dictionary of World History (2 ed. The Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (2 ed. ), The French build a trading station on the estuary of the Senegal river in west Africa, Go to Senegal River in ), Vasco Nez de Balboa reaches the Pacific coast and claims the ocean for the king of Spain, Go to Balboa, Vasco Nez de (14751519) in White minority clung onto power until 1994 first Punic War is fought between Rome and Carthage beaten an! 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