The factors of lowest importance are expected value and variance. Although this demonstrates the model is sensitive to the projectiles required of M795 and M549 munitions, given the percent change in the probability of kill is less than the percent change in the projectiles required, it is reasonable to conclude the probability of kill for the Excalibur is relatively robust in its measurement. The sensitivity of each value measure will be explored relative to its effect on the total weighted value of the projectile. In the context of field artillery, the first layer is an accurate analysis. Based upon doctrinal scenarios for target destruction, a statistical analysis is performed using Monte Carlo simulation to identify a likely probability of kill ratio for the M982. An important factor in almost every decision is cost. the caliber, which is usually also the radius of the blast. Meerschaert, M.M. These characteristics form the first two assumptions that will follow the problem through formulation and execution. For example, the vast majority of fragmentation of ALL artillery shells is out radially from . The range of a gun is affected by its caliber and especially The smaller the CEP, the more precise the weapon system. the length of the barrel. Published in Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics. 6909, available at: (accessed 27 October 2018). Field guns (part II), Copyright 1999 - 2006 Sami H. End | there are "smart" guidable projectiles developed to be fired The third assumption is that the number of projectiles needed to destroy a target is a known constant. The probability mass function (PMF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the number of projectiles fired by each system were also developed to determine that an average number of rounds fired for each munition type (Table III). in this picture, (The drawings and figures are based on data Fort, S.R. So, the number of projectiles fired is only influenced by the target types. The first assumption is that Xt and Xr are independent. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. questions about picture copyrights, see ', An enemy that suffers casualties ranging from 0 - 20 % is considered Guzik, D.M. (or round). To determine the sensitivity of this assumption, the number of projectiles fired given a target was varied between 30 and 30 per cent, then used as an updated input into the model. | Miscellaneous articles | Sources guns, naval guns etc.) Looking at one of the current near-peers, Russias existing mobile artillery, the 2S35, has a range of 44 miles. considered to be "suppressed", An enemy that suffers casualties over 50 % is considered to This is the farthest target a projectile can reach when launched from a 155mm towed howitzer. PrimeRaytheon missile systems contracted both the 1a-1 and the 1a-2 increments of the Excalibur projectile, and the Army is in the process of evaluating how to integrate them into the conventional force. Based on the results of the value-based framework, the Excalibur series munitions provide the most value. Finally, sensitivity analyzes are presented for each of the value attributes, to identify areas where measures may lack robustness in precision. pieces With these changes comes a renewed interest in bolstering field artillery assets. These factors, in combination with a trajectory model, serve as inputs to determine the range and deflection errors. of the projectile in the target is created by the mass of The flaw with this approach is it fails to consider many factors other than unit cost. Measure 3.2.2: Variance. , the recoil is usually sufficiently countered It is highly likely that the M795 and M549A1 projectiles are likely better munition options for large area targets, where unit cost will have a greater overall effect on value. In guns (cannons etc.) The expected value is the average number of projectiles required for target destruction. To avoid this error, an iterative method has been developed as an alternative to the traditional lookup method. As the numbers of projectiles fired decreases, as shown in Figure 2, the lethality of the projectile must increase to still achieve target destruction. Excalibur shells have a range of 25 miles and can hit within a few feet of their targets. depth, where this type of a crater will be formed is roughly 10 times Measure 1.1.1: The probability of kill for each munition is gathered from the output of the Monte Carlo simulation (Table V). Artillery projectile blast effect. Because of the inherent random nature of fire missions, and in turn, target type and location, this problem lends itself to a Monte Carlo simulation. Based upon a set of seven value measures, such as maximum range, effective range, the expected number of rounds to destroy a target, and the unit cost of a munition, the M982 1a-2 was found to be best suited for engaging point and small area targets. Variance (Figure 10) is modeled using a decreasing RTS because as the variability approaches infinity, there is no value. Otherwise, it would be faster to engage and adjust fires using the lookup method. at the moment when the projectile explodes. The Army's Project Manager Combat Ammunition Systems is doing market research "to identify potential sources within the United States and Canada that can Load, Assemble, and Pack (LAP) and deliver the 155mm M795 High Explosive (HE) Projectile," the survey said. Secondary in importance are the probability of kill and CEP. Mortars are simple The M549A1 projectile sensitivity plot in Figure 13 depicts the need for an improved CEP. to be "harassed", An enemy that suffers casualties ranging from 20 - 50 % is The objectives and respective value measures are defined below: Objective 1.1: Maximize the probability of kill. General information of artillery weapons and shells - Winter War The guns are divided into different groups by it's intended Both 1a-1 and 1a-2 focus on improving these areas while generally ignoring the unit cost. perhaps more to illustrate the impact that an accurate barrage(s) has 15-33, available at:,+S.+K.,+Saxena,+S.,+Singhal,+A.,&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart (accessed 1 October 2018). When an artillery shell goes off, it's easy to imagine that the shrapnel explodes in 360 degrees, creating a sphere of destruction. To gain a greater understanding of the interactive nature of many of the factors in firing systems, a dynamical simulation should be used. The projectile The range disparity is particularly important in the Ukraine war, where the side with the longest-range artillery can destroy enemy guns while remaining safely out of range of retaliatory fire. Probability of kill is the per cent chance a single projectile of the given munition destroys the desired target at its given location. The kinetic energy of the projectile It may also enable researchers to examine the effects of relaxing several assumptions related to the variable distribution and test stochastic firing processes. This projectile contains GPS inertial navigation system guidance conducts in-flight guidance and trajectory correction and is capable of penetrating urban structures (Milner, 2012). This paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of the M982 in comparison to the M795 and M549A1 projectiles to further the understanding of what this new asset contributes. | Tactics | Weapons The second is that Xt and Xr are uniformly distributed. There are also competing factors in some firing scenarios when attempting to maximize probability of kill and minimize the circle error probability. The US isn't the only one with an ammunition problem. | of the blast, are all common ways in what the blast cause damage in This is known as the firing sequence problem (FSP) or scheduling problem. or a near miss destroys it, or if the straight sections of the trench guns (75 & 76 mm) reducing their effectiveness considerably. It can be "employed against personnel, trucks, electronic surveillance and target acquisition devices, supply points, command and control and communications (C3) installations, and mechanized and armored forces," the US defense firm General Dynamics says on its website. There are large differences between The final preliminary design enabling the development of todays premier field artillery munitions is the use of pulsejet technology on an artillery rocket for flight correction. This is critical to ensure too much was not assumed in building the model and render future conclusions based on these assumptions inaccurate., Designed for 1024 x 768 resolution effect of recoil. If the total value is found to be highly sensitive to a given value measure, this indicates this area is ideal for development. ARL-MR-298), Army Research Lab, Aberdeen Proving Ground, available at: (accessed 18 September 2018). Kwon, O., Lee, K. and Park, S. (1997), Targeting and scheduling problem for field artillery, In Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. Coupled with a trajectory correction flight control system, the lateral pulsejets were able to yield minimum impact error compared to normal and uncontrolled trajectory. (relatively flat trajectory, Subsequent designs incorporated the same GPS transponder technology with a combination of an inertial measurement unit, a central processing unit, a maneuver mechanism, a fuze function component, and a power source. more fragments than the base spray. 1, pp. baseplate which in turn rests on the ground. The researchers subsequently calculated trajectory parameters to less than 0.1 per cent accuracy. 693-696, available at: (accessed 27 October 2018). Heh interesting note on 16 inch shells, okay so its overkill, but anyways, while these types of shells are more designed to penetrate hard targets, they have a huge lethal radius, anything within 150 yards of the shell burst is dead from concussion alone, they create a crater well over 30 ft in diameter and I believe 20-25 ft deep (although these numbers might even be on the smaller side). and Goethals, P. (2019), "A comparative analysis of contemporary 155 mm artillery projectiles", Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, Vol. on the assumption that the point of impact is centered in the target the splinters around. To aid in further development, it is also useful to conduct a sensitivity analysis. A value hierarchy is developed for the armys long-range artillery problem, and a quantitative value model is used to evaluate the M795, M549A1, M982 1a-1 and M982 1a-2 projectiles as candidate solutions. This probability of kill will be used as an input in the quantitative value-based analysis. All artillery pieces use/fire ammunition that is called a shell by the diameter of the barrel (inside). Now the Pentagon fears that American ammunition stocks are reaching dangerously low levels, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a defense official. 171-192. Additionally, pulsejet logic was also able to yield reduced impact point dispersion (Gupta et al., 2008), increasing accuracy and lethality. shape of the explosive filler inside the projectile. Addressing these extensions of the research may have dramatic implications on the doctrinal positioning of various firing assets on the battlefield. Research into the topic of field artillery ranges became a Department of Defense priority during the Cold War Era, and these developments laid the groundwork for todays efforts. First, there is the force that gives the recoil is countered by the weight of the guns and the in the target hectare. against "soft" (infantry) targets in a 100 m Fragmentation ranges and (Note that the "side cones" visible The number selected will determine if the system can engage the target based on the projectiles minimum/maximum range. Measure 1.2.2: Effective range (per cent). Each of the value functions described previously transforms the respective raw data consolidated in Table VI as inputs into the values shown in Table VII as outputs. It operates A probability model consists of random variables (Xt and Xr) and a probability distribution for each random variable. could be applied automatically to every situation. in Another method that can be used to analyze decisions involves taking a constrained optimization approach. As a result, it is modeled with a decreasing RTS function. The simulation will generate a probability of kill, expected a number of projectiles required for target destruction, and an effective range of each of these projectiles, which will form a baseline for the effective lethality of each projectile in an isolated context. Generally speaking, the blast of the artillery projectile creates This is a technique that can be applied to any probability model to estimate one or more measures of performance of a system (Meerschaert, 2013). The maximum The M795 holds approximately 24 pounds of explosive and has a maximum range of approximately 22 km for the M198 howitzer. This measure is an output of the Monte Carlo simulation. backwards when fired) . The M795 has a range of about 14 miles, longer than that of the 1950s-era M107 shells that it replaced but still considerably shorter than Russian weapons such as the BM-30 multiple rocket launcher, which has a range of 45 miles. The decision problem the army is facing is the need for extended range field artillery assets, and the direction they are taking is to find a solution to updating the 155mm projectile. Ukrainian forces were already firing 6,000 shells a day in June, Ukrainian officials said at the time. Figure 2 shows the average change in the number of projectiles required because of a new projectile type, with vertical lines denoting the range in the possible number of rounds fired for each type. In 2018 the company Nammo developed what is being referred to as extreme range artillery. As the projectile To develop the model, the artillery battery was modeled as an irreducible, recurrent Markov chain with 5 possible states and 11 input parameters, which were a function of the weapon system and scenario (Guzik, 1988). I'd like to emphasize that these "casualties" shown This is the per cent of fire missions that fall within the minimum and maximum ranges of the projectile. (2013), Monte Carlo simulation, Mathematical Modeling, 4th ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam. Measure 2.1.1: CEP at 20 km. the fragments released by the shell. Sign up for notifications from Insider! cone is usually between 40 - 50 degrees. As such, it is modeled with a linear RTS function. Listen to The Refresh, Insider's real-time news show. The caliber of the gun, and the length of the barrel is The high-fragmentation steel projectile is armed with 23.8 pounds of TNT or IMX-101, an explosive that is less prone to accidental detonation. 203-213, available at: (accessed 1 October 2018). The mortars are relatively light weapons as they fly up into the air, while the mortar shell, usually coming As previously mentioned, this project seeks to analyze the lethality of the M982 projectile in comparison to the M795 and M549A1 projectiles to further the understanding of what benefits this new asset brings to the force when facing a near-peer threat. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. with high velocity in (roughly) three separate fans. Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here. Using this logic, the commander would look at the expected number of projectiles required for each munition type, and the cheapest total option would be used. barrel gives the projectile it's direction. equal size. Both value measures will be pulled from the Monte Carlo simulation. has left the barrel, it flies to the target unguided (today 326-335. Once the weapon systems are allocated to targets, the next step is to develop a firing sequence that minimizes the time required to complete a mission. are in fact a part of the same cone, spraying a belt recoil system (guns without recoil system roll several meters Looking at the M795 sensitivity radar plot in Figure 12, the value measures of the probability of kill, maximum range, and variance resulted in the largest per cent change in total value. When a firearm is fired, the propellant charge creates two The score of the value measures were individually varied by 30, 20, 10, 10, 20 and 30. These evaluation methods include accuracy and predictive models, decision analysis models and relevant case studies. As development is continued, the degree of sensitivity the total value experiences because of a per cent change in maximum range and probability of kill decreases. Meanwhile, as the Russia-Ukraine War becomes a struggle of contending artillery which has emerged as the dominant killing weapon on the Ukrainian battlefield Kyiv is certain to demand more shells. in this picture wave converts the explosive filler to gases which in turn exerts extremely This enables the motor to burn much longer than a traditional rocket motor. by guns, but that was not the case in World War 2) . Before extending the findings of the Monte Carlo simulation, it is important to examine the sensitivity of the simulation-based upon the established assumptions. . It's obvious that the resulting By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Accuracy is defined as the degree of correctness associated with a quantity or expression. Parnell, G.S., Driscoll, P.J. This enables more accurate predicted fires, which increases the probability of achieving accurate first-round fire for effect on a target (Chusilp et al., 2012). pressure, splinter, shock, concussion and psychological. 79 No. (2018), Picatinny arsenal, Phone Interview. Basic definitions Once an asset is unable to service more than half its fire missions, there is little utility in using it in that setting. This gives Russia the ability to devastate US forward forces before they can even get within firing range. The fundamental objective of this problem is to develop a long-range munition that impacts its intended target rapidly and accurately. is inserted by dropping down the barrel from the muzzle, the rate This range is achieved through the addition of increased air flow into a solid-fuel rocket motor. The specific number of projectiles (n) fired for a target in the range is defined in an input matrix for each system being analyzed (Table I). As shown in the comparison chart below, the Excalibur series not only decreases the number of projectiles required for target destruction but also decreases the variability in the number of projectiles required. psychological reasons. 25 % casualties e.g. (Note that the smaller dot is the crater A similar approach is to consider the probable error (PE) and mean point of impact error (MPI): The PE is the uncorrelated variation about the MPI for a given mission, typically affected by the ballistic dispersion effect, while the MPI error is associated with the occasion-to-occasion variation about the target, typically affected by the aiming error (Fann, 2006). South, T. (2018), The big guns are back, Army Times, Vol. Each of these objectives has at least one associated value measure that provides a quantitative means of evaluating how well a munition achieves the stated objectives (Parnell et al., 2011). You can join in the discussion by joining the community or logging in here.You can also find out more about Emerald Engage. So, again the variables assigned to lethality will be defined as target type (Xt) and target range (Xr). The targeting problem (TP) is the issue of deciding how to best allocate weapon systems to targets so that the targets are adequately destroyed but minimum cost is achieved (Kwon et al., 1997). do. meter each. There are, however, some limitations that can be drawn from this approach. Back to Artillery weapons in Again, there is little need for development in terms of unit cost and effective range.