Eventually, more and more solids from the tank will reach the filter and over time, plug the filter. Also, backfires can actually cause damage to your engine and can cause power loss too. Given how cleaner diesel engines and emissions control systems are the dominant technology in use today, dirty diesel is more commonly what you would classify bad diesel fuel as. Using fuel that is less than optimal quality negatively impacts engine efficiency and accelerates the process that degrades fuel injectors, causes fuel pump failure, and makes new engines old. With this equipment in place, and with a basic understanding of the steps to proper fuel maintenance, the facility owner is now well-equipped to take responsibility for the quality of the stored diesel fuel. Misfire. The mobile polishing systems are advantageous when having to maintain a number of different fuel tanks without having to incur the financial cost of installing multiple fixed systems. fuel injectors are a must for peak performance of your diesel engine. However, under the hood, components are not operating as designed and the continuous operation of worn parts is damaging the very systems that keep the vehicle running. Keeping the water out of the tank is the first and most important step. So, if you notice that the car wouldn't come on when you push the button or turn the key, you should check the fuel pump. These include injectors that are dirty, clogged, or have that has been compressed in the combustion chamber. So the hesitation, idling and reduced fuel mileage would be the signs youd be most likely to notice. As a further complication in the use of biocides, the removal of water from a tank bottom that was treated with biocides must be disposed of appropriately becausebiocides are toxic. Most facilities require that the contractor be responsible for the initial fuel fill. All of that fuel goes through the high-pressure fuel pump and to the injectors operating under enormous pressure and high temperatures. Fuel contamination is the process of degrading fuel quality by contaminants like water, algae, microorganisms, etc. Eventually fouled diesel fuel will clog fuel lines and ruin your equipment. Most diesel fuel is consumed within a couple months of leaving the refinery, but fuel in storage, such as for back up power generator service, or stored by companies or farms for use in equipment that have fuel tanks that receive refills only every few months (or less) suffer from the darkening of the fuel. Engine inefficiencies are seldom felt by a user but can result in serious losses in operability and revenue. Consider that water is more dense than diesel fuel, and therefore will settle to the bottom of the tank. Fuel aging is a critical factor with on-site power systems. Thus, you start perceiving that diesel smell. This temperature change causes the condenses the water that is in the air inside the tank into droplets or water. By allowing the fuel in a storage tank to have more air overhead to pull water from, emulsified water can develop and become mixed with the fuel in suspension. As colonies of bacteria form, some will become suspended in the fuel, ready to be sucked into the engines fuel supply. Although bio-film develops throughout the entire diesel fuel system, most organisms need water to grow, and the bio-growth is usually concentrated at the fuel-water interface in the bottom of the tank. This also results in poor acceleration. I was recommended to Davids company by our Cummins sales representative, and David helped me thru my first fuel delivery system project for a Florida Assisted Living Facility. Once microbial growth exists in a fuel tank, sludge develops as a waste byproduct of the hydrocarbons being consumed by the microbes. Rarely is it known exactly where fuel has been passed through before making it to you, leaving the likelihood of receiving contaminated fuel to chance. This ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) is excellent to decrease the earth's carbon footprint, but it is prone to . Both changes together combine to give us a modern scenario where todays diesel engines are something on the lines of 99% cleaner than they were 10 or 20 years ago. This design allows the injector to quickly and totally shut off the fuel as the injection completes. What are the symptoms of poor diesel fuel quality on diesel engines? As the only fuel additive offering all of these features and benefits within a single formula, AFC Fuel Additive is the smart choice for your equipment. You should not assume that fuel being delivered to you meets the manufacturers requirements, and certainly fuel that has been in your storage tank for an extended period of time may not meet requirements of diesel engine manufacturers. If you have ever seen the inside bottom of an old fuel tank that looks like it was painted with roofing tar, you have witnessed the results of this process. All major diesel engine manufacturers have set minimum fuel standards for the diesel fuel to be used in their engines, and failing to maintain the fuel that you use in a manner so that it meets those standards could lead toengine component failures and denied warranty claims. 6. Algae belongs in the sea! When you think of dirty diesel fuel, things come to mind like unstable diesel fuel thats darkened or full of gums and sludge. OurAutomated Fuel MaintenanceandEnclosed Fuel Maintenancesystems are engineered to allow for the scheduling of periodic fuel polishing so that fuel is constantly being cycled and polished. Its out of sight, out of mind. From microscopic fragments of ferrous metals to dirt and grime that is introduced to the fuel, various contaminants can be to blame for a majority of fuel-related issues. What happens if water gets in the diesel fuel tank? What is less recognized is the sulfur in diesel fuel also was a deterrent to microbial and fungal growth that was lost when ULSD was mandated. Here are the 5 most common symptoms of faulty diesel fuel injectors. When fuel is unable to complete combustion as it should, soot builds up within the engine and harmful exhaust emissions such as Nitrogen Oxide, Carbon Monoxide, and Particulate Matter are created. Once fluid samples are obtained, they must be sent to a lab for testing. fuel injection system is a critical component the symptoms above can indicate problems with your fuel injectors which (For a more in-depth look into what microbial and bacteria contamination is, why it is more of a problem now than in the past, and how to deal with it, see the article: Why Bacteria Hate Magnets.) Getting results from the lab could take days, up to waiting periods of weeks. The wrong oil If you aren't using an oil that reduces friction or the oil recommended by the manufacturer of your vehicle, you could be paying the price with poor fuel economy. The outward symptoms of these are pretty straight forward. You may see short term relief, but the problem quickly returns as the remaining organisms further reproduce. Older fuel tanks, particularly those made of black iron, are highly susceptible to rust and corrosion. A truck going down the highway with black smoke billowing from the exhaust is a clear sign that incomplete combustion is occuring in the combustion chambers and the exhaust contains unspent diesel fuel. With the presence of free water in a fuel storage tank comes the possible proliferation of microbial growth within the fuel. In general, dark hazy fuel will not directly damage your engine, but using sub-par fuel will eventually cause serious problems. Any success stories or helpful tips? Fuel polishing systems have a number of components necessary to ensure that fuel is being cleaned and contamination is removed in an appropriate manner. Even if your foot is pushing the gas pedal or not, you may still notice that speed is changing for no reason whatsoever. The solids that form as the result of the inherent instability of the diesel fuel and the debris formed in the natural process of fuel degradation will accumulate in the bottom of your fuel tank. fuel injector is around 100,000 miles. If contamination is not dealt with and left to worsen, diesel bug will eventually start to eat away at the tank. As a result, your fuel quality diminishes. Res., bacteria & other fungi within the fuel. Bad smell These changes have made diesel fuel more unstable (higher susceptibility to bread-down) and more apt to separate, contributing to the accumulation of water in the tank (microbial habitat). To sample from any desired level in the tank, the plunger can be actuated by a pull-chain attached to the device. With frequent fuel filter clogging, fuel pump failure is often to follow. It should be 30,000 miles or more. AXI equipment and systems will preserve fuel integrity almost indefinitely and can help you put in place good housekeeping measures along with a quality fuel-monitoring program. When injector nozzle holes are blocked due to this build-up, fuel velocity through the open nozzle holes increases due to more fuel being forced to exit the injector through the remaining unobstructed holes. Many people arent aware that diesel fuel has a shelf life, however fuel stability is important to the mechanical operability of your engine. The So dirty diesel fuel = injector deposits and clogged filters, among other things. These waste products can float in the fuel, being visible when looking into a fuel tank, but also coat the sides, bottom, baffles, and even top of the tank wherever the fuel touches. He has been an invaluable source of information for me. Testing for different contaminants can be achieved in a number of ways, here are the most common tools for fuel sampling and testing: Fluid sampling pumps are often used to obtain fluid samples from hard-to-reach spots using flexible tubing. Corrosion inhibitors in certain fuel additives prevent corrosion on metal surfaces, which prolong engine life and equipment operability. Or rather in that case, no reference is made at all to our fuel. We simply use it and take fuel quality and peak engine performance for granted. At the business operational level, this could mean installing automated fuel management systems to polish bulk fuel and prevent contamination from proliferating. But even with good housekeeping, water still gets into tanks on a regular basis. It's nice to work with folks that understand the equipment they represent and have a passion for the finer details. Engines will not have the vigor and power . The precision involved in the operation of HPCR fuel injectors, although impressive, makes for sensitive components that require specific circumstances for combustion to take place as intended. Low Fuel Economy #7. Any of Increased Fuel . This creates a cycle, which is illustrated below, that gives chance that the fuel fails to maintain the quality requirements if stringent polishing cycles are not maintained.