He starts with the continuations of the chronicles of Fredegar, which do not mention this connection, and are based on an earlier work. Technical & Order Support:1-888-735-3927Office Hours: M-F, 9am-10pm EST & S & S 10am-7pm EST. This Hilarious Card Game Will Keep You In Holy Stitches (and Out of Confession)! Many later scholars date the foundation of Nivelles between 647 and 650.[24]. Glad You Asked: Who decides if someone becomes a saint? She is the patron of the West Indies She was declared Patroness of the West Indies after a petition from the Holy See was sent to King Philip IV of Spain. Upon the advice of Amand, she ordered the construction of a monastery to which she and Gertrude could retire. "The other asset which the family was to develop, its sanctity, was beginning to be realized only in the last decades of the seventh century. This is especially important, notes Wood, because "as a reading of history the so-called Metz Prior Annals have been extremely influential, providing the most popular interpretation of the late Merovingian period. [9] Scholars debate the date of the death of Pippin. The first for its welcome of pilgrims, both lay and religious. This earned her a reputation as a patron saint of travellers, widows, and the mentally ill. Today, she is called upon to ward off rats, fever, and insanity. [8] Gertrude is described as "exhausted by a life of charity, fasting and prayer" at the end of her short life. This account is felt by some to indicate that the author was an Irish monk. According to her biographer, Gertrude felt the time of her death approaching and asked a pilgrim from the Fosses monastery when she would die. "[32] The hundred years-old secondary school "Collge Sainte-Gertrude de Nivelles" founded by the Cardinal Dsir-Joseph Mercier in the city owes its name to the saint. The vision persisted for about half an hour and later was revealed to some of the sisters at the monastery. Ian Wood recommends focusing only on the four earliest sources for this information, as later sources are based on these few documents. She entered a monastery school in Saxony when she was fiveyears old where she earned an impressive education and ultimately discerned to become a religious sister herself. Saint Gertrude was a powerhouse when it came to the faithfully departed. Theres disagreement among As abbess of Nivelles, Gertrude left the According to the legend, soon after giving birth to Jesus, Mary had Oct 17, 2022 - Explore Ginger DaCosta's board "Gertrude of Nivelles" on Pinterest. Can You Match These Saints to Their Weird Patronages? Gertrude was born in 1263 to a Saxon family of nobility. catalog. One of the most famous Metz. The time range is determined using a combination of Latin style, references by contemporary works, the accuracy of the events (indicating a close proximity to their occurrence), and references in the text to known events. She was the attractant that led others to Jesus. Nivelles: Comit de Sainte Gertrude, 1985. Born around 626AD, she led an extraordinary life for a woman of her time. cradling a cat in her arms like a baby. The abbesses and the canons used to regularly make a long journey outside the walls of the abbey in emulation of Gertrude, to meet the farmers, the poor and the sick. She died in poverty, 17 March 659, at the age, we are told, of thirty-three years. Finally sometime in late 1301 or early 1302, Gertrude succumbed to her infirmities. Let us give thanks for this Patron Said Of Puddy-cats by having a day in, cracking open a fresh can of tuna and watching, Are you of the Catholic purr-suasion? While St. Gertrude of Nivelles is known as the patron saint of cats, this title was given to her not because she loved cats, but on account of her ability to expel mice. protecting cats. among the early Greeks and Romans, they were valued for keeping the Would you rather spend March 17th on your couch, snuggled up with your cats, chugging a large Shamrock Shake? This attribution may have led to her connection with cats. Saint Gertrude had a dream about travelers, and her abby became known for its hospitality. In 1738, Pope Clement XII extended the Feast of St. Gertrude to the Universal Church. Although house cats were less common intermarriages with other noble families. Who was this holy woman with the cat in her arms? Gertrude the Great is the patroness of the West Indies, and she is frequently invoked to intercede for souls in purgatory, according to Catholic tradition. Itta's move to start a monastery was thus not completely out of the ordinary, and may have in fact been the norm for a widowed noblewoman. Her death and the image of her weak and humble figure is, in fact, a critical point in her biographer's narrative. Wulfetrud was only 20 years old at the time. Her monastery also benefitted from this portrayal because the haircloth and veil in which Gertrude was interred became relics. Clark, Carolee. The Vita states that in Gertrude, "temperance of character, the sobriety of her heart and the moderation of her words she anticipated maturity." See more ideas about gertrudes, patron saint of cats, patron saints. Further evidence of the Matt Vander Vennet currently resides somewhere in central Illinois. mice, it doesnt take much imagination to extend Gertrudes patronage to Arnulf of Metz, Pippin's close ally, was one of several royal counselors who received ecclesiastical posts after a secular career. At the Lord's bidding, he asked whether she would build a monastery for herself and Christ's handmaid, Gertrude. Her veneration as protector against rats and mice dates from the early 15th century during the Black Plague and spread from Southwestern Germany to the Netherlands and Catalonia. [3], Before her death, Gertrude appointed her niece Wulfetrud as Abbess of Nivelles. Austrasia under the Frankish kings Clotaire II, Dagobert I, and Sigebert At the tender age of 10, when presented with the prospect of marriage to a duke, , Gertrude set the record straight and insisted that she wasnt ever gonna marry no duke. Pray dear saint that my cat(s) stay free from illness and that my cat(s) always feel safe, protected, and loved. Much of what we know about Saint Gertrude comes from the Vita Sanctae Geretrudis, her official Catholic biography written to justify her veneration as a Saint. March 17th: St. Gertrude Day, the patron saint of cats. She was lost, lonely, and depressed. It would be good to make known to men and women how they would benefit from remembering that I, the Son of God and of the Blessed Virgin Mary, always stand before God for the salvation of the human race, and that should they commit some sin through their weakness, I offer my unblemished Heart to the Father for them, Until the age of 25, I was a blind and insane woman but you, Jesus, deigned to grant me the priceless familiarity of your friendship by opening to me in every way that most noble casket of your divinity, which is your divine Heart, and offering me in great abundance all your treasures contained in it, What Everyone is REALLY Thinking in the Cry Room, Laugh Your Way to Holiness with Catholic Card Game. Itta was confronted with the question of how to protect her young "[3], The second miracle attributed to Gertrude in the Vita took place as the anonymous author and his friend were peacefully sailing over the sea on the monastery's business. The patron saint of Nivelles, Gertrude is also the patron of The name comes from the Greek word . Begga's sons enhanced Pepin's power by marrying women with political connections in the north and northwest. Although Arnulf of Metz is thought to have been Pepin II's grandfather, the evidence for this is not early, and even the Annales Mettenses Priores were uncertain about the nature of the relationship between Arnulf and the Pippinids. All Rights Reserved |, Dont just admire the saintsbefriend them. Is Da de los Muertos the same as All Souls Day? comforting him and causing him to fall asleep at last. So, let's take a look at what we know about this saint who is not as well-known as some other female saints. Gertrude was also the patron saint of the Order of the Holy Cross (Crosiers or Crutched Friars). She eventually chose to follow the Lord by pursuing a vocation as a Benedictine Nun. Although it is perfectly plausible that he could have been a monk or nun, and there some debate on this topic. All of the plans she had made for herself began to crumble. *For Technical Support or to Cancel an Order, Pets Belong With Families Act and How You Can Show Your Support. The young girl who defied a king, Her attention to the care of her garden led her assistance to be invoked by gardeners, and also against rats and mental illness.[19]. Gertrude and Itta then travelled to Nivelles and established the Abbey of Nivelles, which served as a Benedictine nunnery. cats at a time) told to me (who currently keeps company with four). So, who was Saint Gertrude? We do Saint Gertrudes Day in this house. [28] After only a day of traveling, Foillan and his three companions were betrayed and murdered by an evil man who offered them shelter for the night in his house and then sold their belongings. McNamara, Jo Ann and John E. Halbord with E. Gordon Whatley. Gertrude of Helfta was born January 6, 1256 in Eisleben, Thuringia. Each fall, Nivelles holds Le Tour Sainte-Gertrude, a traditional procession around the city that draws up to 2,000 pilgrims and culminates in a Mass with the relics of Gertrude on display. They also allude to Pippin I's relationship to Arnulf, Bishop of Metz, although they do not specify the nature of that relationship. Gertrude. Gertrude fulfilled One miracle that seems to have occurred in A stray cat Soon after, Pippin himself died, giving Gertrude the freedom to take the veil and enter the monastic life. There is no formal criteria to determine a saint as great like there is for determining doctors of the Church. Well, born in 628 to a noble family in what is now modern day Belgium, your girl Gerty was one sassy lassie, as God-loving as she was headstrong. Mary patted the cats head to give it her blessing, leaving an M mark between his elder daughter, Begga, and the son of another powerful [38] However, he adds no information regarding Arnulf at this time. were ideal and valued companions for monks and nuns in the Middle Ages, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. St. Gertrude, Virgin (Patroness of the West Indies) Feastday-November 16 St. Gertrude was born at Eisleben in Saxony. When someone wanted to get rid of a rat infestation, they called upon Saint Gertrude. St. Gertrude was a Benedictine nun during the 7th century and was known for her deep piety. All rights reserved. 17 marks St. Gertrudes feast day. So, who was Saint Gertrude? is a woman named Gertrude of Nivelles. His prophecy became true: Gertrude died on The story of St.Gertrude, patron saint of cats Do you know that today, the 17th of March, is the day of St.Gertrude of Nivelles, patron saint of cats? [27], Sometime later, Foillan went on a journey, saying mass in Nivelles before leaving. Guided by a spirit of compassion and selflessness, he worked tirelessly to care for the vulnerable during his lifetime, founding a hospital, orphanage, and an animal shelter. Ultan predicted she would die He loves a good brew (NO IPAs! "[8], Gertrude's Vita describes her, after relinquishing her role as abbess, spending her time praying intensely and secretly wearing a hair shirt. Her mother, Itta, was believed to be the daughter of the bishop of Our team is available to make sure you, your cat and your CatGenie have everything you need to enjoy your Litter-Free Life! appeared and crept into the manger to snuggle alongside baby Jesus, medieval churchs prejudice against cats lies in yearly festivals like and writing and his pets intensely focused hunt for prey: I and Europe by the 5th century B.C.E. Since her feast day is on March 17th, many look to Saint Gertrude as a patron saint of gardeners as well, since this day usually brings fair weather, ideal for gardening. At least not for like, a while. Gertrude of Nivelles , O.S.B. #StGertrude #GertrudeTheGreat #PatronOfTheDead #purgatory FEAST DAY: November 13Pray for 9 Consecutive DaysPATRON SAINT OF: the dead/souls in purgatory, West. monks survived. Gertrude had a great devotion to the Holy Souls in Purgatory, whom shefrequently wrote about and the need for the living to pray for them. Yes, Gertrude is now an unofficial patron saint for cats. [40] The authoritative Handwrterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens (published in multiple volumes, 19271942) does not verify the connection to cats. sfn error: no target: CITEREFWood,_p.259 (, Some scholars think it may have been written by an Irish, Contrast Peyroux pp. She's the patron saint of gardeners, travelers, widows, recently deceased people, the sick, the poor, the mentally. beliefs of pre-Christian religions. He says that "since Childebrand himself was the half-brother of Charles Martel, it is not surprising that the Fredegar continuator add the information contained in the Liber Historiae Francorum material largely concerned with Austrasia and Frisia" in 751. The Vita is one of just a few sources dating from seventh century France, and one of only three from Austrasia (all of which deal with Gertrude). In fact, she wasnt gonna marry no man at all, so jot that down, thank you very much. Fouracre and Gerberding assert that the men from across the sea are from Britain and Ireland and also highlight this as an example of the importance of Rome to the Franks long before Charlemagne ever had a relationship with the Pope. new is because of Christianitys longstanding love-hate relationship vermin population down. the next day during Mass. As the . [8] In the account, an incredible storm appears as well as a sea monster, causing great despair as "the sailors turned to their idols," evidence of the persistence of paganism at the time. Not to be confused with St. St. Gertrude. was that when the cat ran off, evil spirits were banished from the She appointed hands of others so she could go off by herself and pray, and took to abbess and appointed her niece as her successor. Sources making the opposite claim do not. [8], The author of Vita writes as a first-hand witness to the events he describes. on display. Come for the Catholicism, stay for the cats, am I right? Read more: Saint Olga of Kyiv is Ukraine's patron saint of both defiance and vengeance A princess bride Gertrude was born. At the age of five, she was placed in the care of the Benedictine nuns at Rodalsdorf and later became a nun in the same monastery, of which she was elected Abbess. which a sea monster appeared and threatened to capsize their ship. And considering what we know about St. Gertrude of Nivelles, "[9], Marriage alliances were important in this era although scholars disagree as to the extent parents or kings asserted power over spousal choice. Gertrude as the abbess of the womens monastery and entered religious Fastelvn in Denmark and Kattenstoet in Ypres, Belgium. to Saint Joseph for Employment Prayer to Saint Joseph: Patron Saint of Workers St. Joseph Protector of Homes Prayer to Saint Joseph for Fathers Most Powerful Prayer to St. Joseph Her study habits were second to none and she surpassed her fellow students quickly. Please pray this everyday, especially during this special month: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. [8], According to Catherine Peyroux, who believes that because author is writing very near Gertrude's lifetime, account must at least be "essentially plausible to Gertrude's contemporaries."[34]. Wikipedia says it's a "Recently popular cult": The assignment of Gertrude as patron of cats and the designation of the cat as one of her attributes seems to date from the 1980s. Gertrude's father, Pepin of Landen (Pippin the Elder), a nobleman from east Francia, had been instrumental in persuading King Clothar II to crown his son, Dagobert I, as the King of Austrasia. Gertrude experienced many mystical experiences where Jesus would reveal His infinite love and charge her to spread it among the faithful. To give you the best experience we can, CatGenie uses cookies on our website.