Its Members Wonder Why. But high up in Moqattam a vast hump of rock that rises from the slums in the east of the city, and houses the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood the air was clogged with something more menacing. Where the fighting happened on Friday was as significant as how it did. Hopeless as its current actions may sometimes seem, the Brotherhood's years in opposition have left it with considerably more organisational know-how than most of its new secular rivals. Saudi Arabia and other GCC nations also released a list of alleged terrorists with links to Qatar. Badie is a veterinarian by training who has been a member of the Brotherhood since the 1960s. Muslim Brotherhood. What had begun as a protest against Morsi and his alleged deference to Brotherhood interests was now a full-scale street battle between Brotherhood loyalists and opposition demonstrators. He has written fifteen books on Islamic advocacy.. In January 2012, he was appointed parliamentary majority leader. Also, the Empowerment Removal Committee was formed in a bid to confront Muslim Brotherhood members spread . Husseini began his political career as a student leader in high school, and the Brotherhood recruited him shortly after he began his studies at Mansoura University in 1977, where he also served as a prominent student union leader. After losing his parliamentary race in 2005 due to Mubarak regime forgery, he became leader of the Brotherhoods political division. He later won a parliamentary seat and was appointed chair of the Planning and Budget Committee in January 2012. Abdul Sadeq was first elected to the Peoples Assembly in 2000 and served until 2005. He believes that the new constitution should reflect Islamic concepts in dealing with the economy, and he vocally protested the ruling military councils issuance of a constitutional declaration in June 2012, stating, The protests will remain in Tahrir Square untilthe presidents stolen powers are returned., Wafiq rose to prominence following the January 2011 uprising, when he participated in the formation of the Freedom and Justice Party and was appointed chairman of its housing committee. But, says Ghannouchi's daughter Yusra, a spokesperson for Ennahda: "The two movements are not identical. There's really nothing of the sort.". ", For instance: either through belief or pragmatism, Rachid Ghannouchi and parts of Ennahda seem more disposed to a pluralistsociety than their counterparts in Egypt. The Arab Spring gave the Muslim Brotherhood andits affiliates the chance to play vital rolesinthe Egyptian, Tunisian and Libyan revolutions. In March last year, Ghannouchi gave a lecture in which he appeared to suggest that secularism does not conflict with the principles of Islam. First, the Brotherhoods leadership is composed almost exclusively of longtime members. By 2005, its members also formed the largest opposition grouping in parliament. He also participated in the 2010 Turkish Freedom Flotilla to Gaza; Israeli forces captured him aboard the Mavi Marmara following the deadly confrontation. Haddad was arrested in 2009 while attending a demonstration in support of the Palestinians alongside then Guidance Office member Abdel Monem Abouel Fetouh. Previously, he was one of the founding members of the General Islamic Action in Alexandria in 1967 and was later imprisoned for participating in student demonstrations. Now we know that they are not. It is at this point, following the repression of the 1950s and 1960s, that one can begin to make the distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood organisation . Midterm Elections, Virtual Event There are many factors that make Turkey the safest haven for Brotherhood members that fled Egypt after the 30 June 2013 Revolution. He is on record claiming that the United States and the Brothers could develop good ties, if only Washington altered its approach to the organization and the region. He is a prominent reformer who, like Saad al Katatni, has long been a proponent of dropping the Brotherhood traditional caution when it comes to politics. Al-Anani attributes the Brotherhood's longevity to its tight . Following the 2011 uprising, Ismail participated in the formation of the Freedom and Justice Party, and he currently sits on its high committee. After joining the MB, he became one of its most influential leaders. Photo: Moises Saman/Magnum . Given its growing control over key government institutions and its unmatched mobilizing capabilities, the Muslim Brotherhood will likely remain Egypt's most consequential political actor for many years to come. The Institute is a 501(c)3 organization; all donations are tax-deductible. He first ran for parliament in 2005 and won, but lost in 2010 due to regime forgery. Haddads political involvement began during his studies at the University of Alexandria College of Medicine, where was elected president of the student union. He also founded Inter-Build Egypt, the countrys largest exhibition for the construction sector. He was detailed along with fifty other MB leaders in 1995 and tried before a military court. This is a list of Muslim members of the United States Congress. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Is the Muslim Brotherhood a violent organisation? Here is a breakdown of the groups ideology and roots. Badie became a member of the Brotherhoods al-Mahalla al-Kubra administrative office the following year and was eventually named chief of that branch. "If you are loyal and you follow all your instructions," adds one Cairo-based Brother, "then you can get a higher rank." The Brotherhood spread rapidly throughout Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, and North Africa. Who are these individuals? In 2001, he served as secretary of the coordinating committee between trade unions, political parties, and popular forces in Gharbiyah, and hosted a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Tanta Stadium in 2002. To the Brotherhood, last November's decision to fast-track the new constitution would be an example of this maturity. "We won't hurt you. Azhari became politically active as a student at the Chemical Technical Institute of Shobra, where he was elected president of the student union in 1986. On June 3, 2015 Bill Gertz reported in the Washington Times "President Obama and his administration continue to support the global Islamist militant group known as the Muslim Brotherhood. Third, almost all of the Brotherhoods top leaders were directly persecuted under the Mubarak regime, and many served time as political prisoners. "Khairat el-Shater has been in charge for 12 years." The designation would impose sanctions on the group and . It can also point to equivalent behaviour from its opponents, who beat and dragged loneBrothers down the sandy slopes ofMoqattam on Friday, and set on fireat least one Brotherhood member. He was a leading member of the Brotherhoods parliamentary delegation from 2005-2010, which numbered eighty-eight representatives. He also opened import/export deals in more than ten countries; four of his seven children help him run his factories. Ibrahim was first elected to the Peoples Assembly in the 2000 parliamentary elections and later reelected in 2005, during which time he served as deputy chairman of the Brotherhoods parliamentary bloc under Saad al-Katatni. : (1996-2002) Mustafa . Who are the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood? Abdel Maqsoud has been a journalist since 1979, working on several Islamist magazines including Egyptian Dawa, al-Bashir (1985), The Banner of Islam (1987 and 1994), and Harvest of Thought (1992). A difference of opinion arose between the Free Officers (led by Gamal Abdel Nasser) and the MB, with Abdel Nasser preferring a secular socialist country to one ruled by Islam. Erian was a founding member of Islamic Student Action at Cairo University, as well as student union leader during the early 1970s. He is considered a future top leader in the Brotherhood. "The Murshid is just a guy," explains a middle-ranking Brother who says Badie's responsibilities are religious rather than political. ). At a time when a polarised Egypt urgently needs to build political consensus, Morsi has also been criticised for appointing allies to key positions within the Egyptian administrative hierarchy. He is currently a professor in Zagazig Universitys College of Medicine, where his colleagues have included President Morsi and fellow Guidance Office member Mahmoud Ghozlan. All of them were effectively descendants or affiliates of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood," explains Shadi Hamid, an expert on political Islam, and director of research at the Brookings Doha Center. Shortly after receiving his bachelors degree in veterinary medicine in 1965, Badie was arrested for his political activities (along with Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyed Qutb) and sentenced to fifteen years in prison. From one Muslim Brotherhood to many. But statements such as this add grist to the view that though no worse on gender equality than the Mubarak regime it is in fact the harbinger of a second Iran. "It's not just that he hasn't delivered on any changes," says Heba Morayef, the head of Human Rights Watch in Egypt, "it's that he hasn't publicly acknowledged that there is a serious problem of police abuse.". Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Morsi's opponents also claim that the president, who resigned from the Brotherhood to highlight his autonomy, remains a front for El-Shater and the Brotherhood's Guidance Council. In June 2012, he was elected to the Constituent Assembly, which will write Egypts next constitution. Indeed, the Brotherhoods current power structure comes from widely differing backgrounds and experiences, suggesting anything but a uniform approach to Egypts present problems. "There's always been a sense that Ennahda was from the same school of thought as the Brotherhood. In Libya, the Brotherhood's political offshoot did not do as well as expected in last year's elections but still came second. He has also been influential in the FJPs tourism development policies, stating that the Brotherhood would not make concessions [for tourism] at the expense of holy Quranic scripture.. In December of 2012, masses of Muslim Brotherhood members marched to the prosecutor's office to support the president's awaited decisions that were, at the time, supposedly unknown. As we see from the statements of the Egyptian authorities and from the Arab press, Cairo wants Ankara to . In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood ( Arabic: jamat al-iwn/al-ikhwan/el-ekhwan al-muslimn, IPA: [elexwn]) is a Sunni Islamist religious, political, and social movement, [1] [2] [3] with adherents estimated to number between 2 and 2.5 million. In January 2012, he was appointed chairman of the parliamentary Transportation and Communications Committee. It is, she says, "likely to still be able to connect with people in a way that [its] non-Islamist political rivals cannot. In April, he denounced hospitals that had issued a ban on nurses wearing niqab (full veils), saying, We must thanknot punisha nurse wearing the niqab but doing her job right.. ): (1928-1949) Hassan al-Banna 2nd G.L. He currently serves on the Constituent Assembly, which is writing Egypts next constitution. Husseini is viewed as a hardliner who is close to Deputy Supreme Guide Khairat al-Shater. Morsi may have been elected by a clear majority, his critics admit. Elsewhere, black smoke billowed skywards as protesters burned posters of Mohamed Morsi onetime Brotherhood stalwart and president of Egypt. Those with degrees and foreign languages are looked on morefavourably. Although figures of Brotherhood membership are variable, it is estimated that at its height in the late 1940s it may have had some 500,000 members. They share a lot in common, but they do have differences. He is also vice president of the Islamic Medical Association. Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images. President Trump wants to designate the Muslim Brotherhood, an international Islamist movement, as a terrorist organization. Nominally, the movement is led by the Murshid or supreme guide, Mohamed Badie. In 2009, he was elected to the Brotherhoods internal shura committee, which votes on all major strategic and policy decisions. He was politicized following the January 1977 Bread Riots and strongly opposed Egypts 1978 peace treaty with Israel. In the early days of the revolt, he was a key figure in convincing the Brotherhoods Guidance Office, which initially hesitated, to back the movement. Sudanese supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi protest after the Friday noon prayers in front of the presidential palace, following the recent violence in Egypt, Khartoum, Sudan, Aug. 16, 2013. . And yet it is this work that explains both its continued popularity among many Egyptians as well as its ability to mobilise so quickly after the fall of Mubarak. With difficulty. An armed branch organized in the early 1940s was subsequently linked to a number of violent acts, including bombings and political assassinations, and it appears that the armed element of the group began to escape Hassan al-Bannas control. The Brotherhood is a strictly hierarchical organisation that rewards obedience. Once limited to the realm of academic specialists and Middle East policy analysts, the Brothers have become part of the broader foreign and, at times, domestic policy conversation in the United States. "Khairat el-Shater has a vision," argues a member. He has made several inflammatory statements about Israel and the West, including a 2010 speech in which he claimed that Arab and Muslim regimes are betraying their people by failing to confront the Muslims real enemies: not only Israel but also the United States. Some observers believe that during his early years in the organization he was among a cadre of Brothers who followed the work of Sayyid Qutba leading theorist of jihadism. In which countries is the Muslim Brotherhood active? The Brotherhood strongly rejects this: "there are no Muslim Brotherhood militias," says Al-Haddad. He was imprisoned along with Supreme Guide Muhammad Badie from 1965 to 1974 and has been a member of the MB Guidance Office since 1981. with Christopher J. Dodd, John E. Sununu and Amy Walter In particular, the opposition is furious at how in an act seen as that of a dictator Morsi awarded himself sweeping powers in November to ram through a deeply controversial new constitution. Al Shater is not easily identifiable as either a reformer or conservative. "The primary orbit for religion is not the state's apparatuses," he said, "but rather personal, individual convictions.". In March 2014, the kingdom designated the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. Shortly after the January 2011 uprising, he participated in the formation of the Freedom and Justice Party, and he was elected to the Peoples Assembly in November 2011. Instead, liberal leaders such as Mohamed ElBaradei, a former UN diplomat, were touted by some as Egypt's likely new head of state. The Brotherhoods new adherents aimed to reorganize society and government according to Islamic doctrines, and they were vehemently anti-Western. Back in early 2011, some would have been surprised by the Brotherhood's current prominence. Al Shater was briefly the Brotherhoods candidate for president until he was disqualified from running by the Supreme Presidential Election Commission due to his past criminal record. In light of his high academic achievement, he was awarded a full scholarship to the Azhar College of Medicine in 1982, where he remained a prominent student leader and was elected president of the student union in 1985. "Chances are that Egypt hasn't called on Qatar to extradite the MB elements. "The Murshid is not in charge," says one middle-ranking Brother. As a result, he has participated in many international meetings, including the Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Gabon, the African Parliamentary Union in Algiers, and the annual conference of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in France. "In reality," he added, "the Muslim Brotherhood is probably the most mature, non-violent political [movement] in the Middle East.". The association reflected the mood of the most conservative groups of the petite bourgeoisie. Infiltration: In a major break with the U.S., Britain has banned the radical Muslim Brotherhood, a group that raises the global banner of violent jihad, while the Obama . Islamist in orientation, it advocated a return to the Qurn and the Hadith as guidelines for a healthy modern Islamic society. Many of its most senior figures had been in exile for many years, and "were essentially being introduced to a society they don't really know any more," says Hamid. He was elected to the board of the politically active journalists syndicate in 1995 and was the first reporter to win four consecutive terms; he will serve as acting chairman until new elections are held in 2013. Finally,Mohamed Morsy, Egypts unlikely first civilian president was, until his nomination for president in March 2012, a Brotherhood apparatchik. In Jordan, the Islamic Action Front, which was a Muslim Brotherhood party until it cut ties with the mother organisation in 2013, has a large presence in the Jordanian parliament. In 1998, he was imprisoned for seventy-five days for his participation in the Islamic Dawa Society in Beni Suef. Dr. Mohamed Beltagyis among the most prominent members of the Freedom and Justice Party. It won a decisive plurality in the winter 20112012 Peoples Assembly elections and a majority in the January 2012 Shura Council elections, thus gaining control over both houses of parliament and the committee that is writing the next constitution. 06:36 PM ET 12/29/2015. In Bahrain, the political arm of its Muslim Brotherhood group is known as the Minbar. In 1954, the Brotherhood was blamed for an assassination attempt on Nasser, who used it to quash his remaining rivals. Some sources report that Morsis rise in the MB began in 2000, when he was elected as a member of the Peoples Assembly and served as the Brotherhoods parliamentary bloc leader from 2000 to 2005. Members take orders from a Guidance Office of around 20 elders nominally headed by the supreme guide, Murshid Mohamed Badie, but dominated by one of his deputies, businessman Khairat el-Shater. It broke formal ties with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood after the 2013 coup in Egypt. "They have warm, friendly relationships and many of them lived together in exile in London for example," says Hamid. Here is a breakdown of the groups ideology and historic roots. But as Hatab shows, Islamism has lost some of this innocence since coming to power dislocated from its social work, and tarnished by the failures of government. The date was Friday 22 March, and the rest of Cairo was dulled by a pale fog of dust. Such activity also helped the group expand its outreach networks, through which it gained popular support by providing social services and increasing its recruitment efforts. In the November 2011 parliamentary elections, the MB's Freedom and Justice Party endorsed his candidacy, and he won a seat. An assassination attempt on Abdel Nasser in the 1950s led to the jailing of Sayed Qutb, a leading MB figure. For its opponents, the Muslim Brotherhood is now as much an enemy of the revolution's goals as the police, the army even Mubarak. But were they? His boldest moves came on August 12, when he sacked the generals who posed the greatest threat to his authority, promoted new generals who now answer to him, and issued a constitutional declaration that gave him full executive, legislative, and constitution-writing powers. And from 1992 to 1996, he served as its general director of dawa and press relations. His role on the committee was seen as the first indication that the ruling military council would tolerate and perhaps even cooperate with the Brotherhood. Partly because of his efforts to push the Brotherhood into the political arena, Katatni is widely considered a reformist, though there is no hard evidence that he holds progressive political views. During the January 2011 uprising, he was imprisoned for three days. In February 2012, he announced that the council will not rest until every inch of occupied Arab land is freed, as we will give our best efforts to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque from the aggressors. In June 2012, he was appointed to the Constituent Assembly, which will write Egypts next constitution; he resigned on July 15, however, citing doubts about the legality of including Shura Council members on the assembly. Since taking office, Morsi has moved quickly to consolidate the organizations power, appointing fellow Muslim Brothers to head key ministries and cracking down on media criticism of the group. The conviction of many Muslim Brotherhood members that their affiliation with the group is a "jihad in the name of God" and that maintaining the organization is an aim in itself served to keep the Brotherhood intact during its long years in the political opposition. Saleh won a seat in the Peoples Assembly in 2005 and served until 2010, when he was violently assaulted on election day and lost in the rigged voting. "It is only a misinterpretation of Islam that creates these kinds of statements," argues Soad Shalaby, a spokeswoman for Egypt's National Council of Women, of last month's outburst against women, which the Brotherhood madein the name of Islam. For the 25 Brothers trapped inside a mosque high above Cairo last month, the answer must have seemed painfully clear. So, who are these men and how did they get where they are? Egyptian protesters and Muslim Brotherhood members shout slogans against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the government during a demonstration protesting the government's decision to transfer . Badie became supreme guide of the Brotherhood in 2010, replacing Muhammad Mahdi Akef. El Erians reformist credentials are better than the Speaker of the Peoples Assembly given his outspoken support for human rights, though like other prominent members of the Brotherhood, el Erians statements about democracy tend to be qualified. [2] [4] Founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928, the group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest organization in Egypt, despite government crackdowns in 1948, 1954, 1965 and 2013 . He was transported to Germany for surgery after more than 200 pieces of shrapnel entered his body and bullets broke two bones in his leg. The Association reflected the mood of the groups ideology and roots are no Muslim Brotherhood, November. Of them lived together in exile in London for example, '' says Hamid do have differences was! How did they get where they are released a list of alleged terrorists with links to Qatar al Shater not. Writing Egypts next constitution & # x27 ; t called on Qatar extradite! His participation in the November 2011 parliamentary elections, the answer must have seemed painfully clear some! Ennahda: `` the Murshid is just a guy, '' explains a Brother... 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