Having entered service on 3 December 1904, she was stricken in February 1950. The inquiry is guided by concepts taken from sea power theory. There were wars in Europe, among them the Crimean War and the Franco-German War of 1871, but they were not as devastating to the continent as a whole and its international relations as those of earlier, and later, centuries. Czechoslovakia) were introduced. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 5(1), 350363. The plans and an essay explaining them can be viewed in here on pages 103 to 113. In addition, the peaceful dissolution of the union with Norway in 1905 arguably contributed to the sentiment that initiating war was no longer a realistic option for Swedish policy. [1], The Sverige-class ships differed in several ways from the classical coastal Defence ship; at first by heavier armament as well as better speed and armour, but still small enough to operate and hide in the archipelagos and shallow waters. This means that they are contingent and malleable rather than unpredictable. While sea denial may be an important complement to sea control, it can also be its alternative: For some countries, the ability to prevent an enemy from using the sea to do them harm is all that is required (Till, 2018, p. 193). The need of coast artillery is connected with Sweden's geographical nature, and with the forms of attack that we have to consider. That the dissolution of the union would be peaceful was far from evident, and it might be taken as a struggle not only for Norwegian independence, but also as a struggle within the Swedish elite over how to handle issues with potential military implications (Vedung, 1971). Sailors aboard the guided-missile cruiser, first recorded footage of the U.K.-suppled Brimstone, provide Ukraine with Germanys highly advanced IRIS-T, newest $700 million security assistance package, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS). The man-portable Robot 17 is ideal for protecting against amphibious invasions and is quite survivable as units can easily set up and position the system for firing. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Dunne, T., & Reus-Smit, C. (2017). 330334, Sderlindh and Fahlander, 2002, pp. The march was dedicated to the then Inspector of Coastal Artillery, Senior Colonel Kjell Lodenius. 35063. Units that where stationed around the more important shipping lanes and other naval installations around Sweden were fully manned, even in peacetime. At the outbreak of the Second World War, Tapperheten had not been used for twelve years, but nevertheless served as the flagship of the Karlskrona Division in 1939-40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198793427.001.0001, Flynn, B. A picture of the swedish battleship HMS Gustav V of the Sweden class, carrying his 4 305mm canons. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511494253. Within this society, states follow certain rules and cooperate to uphold certain common institutions (Bull, 1977, p. 13). War, understood as the practice of organized violence, however, might continue. In this case, there should be new legitimizing principles for war notably a shift back from the 19th century focus on jus in bello (war conducted according to just and fair principles) to the earlier notion of jus ad bellum (war waged for the right reasons). With its empirical focus on defence of the shore rather than any inland waterways, brown-water navies will not be discussed further in this article. The islands were strategically interesting for both Finland and Sweden, as well as the Soviet Union. 2022Recurrent Ventures. Plans were drawn up in the 1940s to modernize Drottning Victoria by rebuilding the superstructure, increasing the elevation of the main turrets to 32 degrees, and replacing the armament light armament with 2 twin 57mm guns and 12 40mm/56 Bofors guns in 4 twin and 4 single mounts, as well as 10 25mm Bofors mounts. On the evolution of primary institutions of international society. Just this week German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised to provide Ukraine with Germanys highly advanced IRIS-T surface-to-air defense system. Persson, L.-G., & Stlhandske, L. (1977). During most of the 19th century, Sweden, having lost its great power status, focused on protecting its borders against foreign attacks rather than waging war. Military preparation in this period had become a matter of deterrence and pacification rather than expansive warfare. Although these institutions have at times been held to be constants, current research demonstrates a growing awareness of their malleability (Friedner Parrat, 2020, pp. Today, it seems to have opted for bandwaggoning, allying to the stronger side. Press releases published by the Swedish Armed Forces indicate that warships from the third and fourth naval squadrons have been at sea more than usual in recent weeks around Sweden South coast, in order to gather intelligence and show their presence. Europe, small navies and maritime security: Balancing traditional roles and emergent threats in the 21st century. In M. Mulqueen, D. Sanders & I. Speller (Eds. (Brresen, 1994, pp. Fr has been armed on and off ever since, and Gotlands rearmament is subject of political debate even today (Wedin, 2017). During and after the two World Wars, Karlskrona remained heavily armed. Its navy was adapted to those ambitions. It is designed to be launched from land-based launchers, aircraft, and ships. Booth, K. (1977). International Studies Review, 22(4), 758778. [citation needed], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sverige-class_coastal_defence_ship&oldid=1119888466, 7,239 tonnes standard, 7,755 tonnes full load, original 12 Yarrow type coal-fired boilers, upgraded to oil-fired boilers in the 1930s, 4 283mm (11in)/ 45 cal. Lindberg, M., & Todd, D. (2002). [1531 x 971] Swedish coastal defense ship HSwMS Drottning Victoria underway some point after 1931. HSwMS Manligheten was a Swedish ran-class coastal defence ship. The system also has a secondary capability to attack land targets that could come in handy, as well. In the turbulent early years of the European international society, Sweden made peace with Denmark at Roskilde 1658, thereby conquering the southern territories of Skne, Blekinge, Halland and Bohusln, areas on what are today the countrys south and west coasts. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies. Academic sources on Swedens navy are notoriously hard to come by, especially in a cross-historical perspective. Dims: Length/Width: 9516 meters, Displacement 3800 tons standard, 4300 sq.ft. The two later purposes are accessible for all coastal states. In some accounts, the Swedish naval modernization relying primarily on Swedish industry to furnish equipment specifically adapted to coast and archipelago has contributed to Swedens development as an extreme littoral state, with materiel and competencies specifically adapted to the defence of a long coast while entertaining no, or very limited, aggressive ambitions (Lundquist, 2014). In addition to the ambition to be able to quickly establish sea control in the event of war, another central concern in building the naval port was to keep others out from the naval base and from the coast more generally. Studier ver ett rrligt kustfrsvar. Included in the newest $700 million security assistance package are at least four M142 High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS. Wedin, L. (2017). 35). She was built in 1901-1903 by Kockum's Mechanical Workshop and was the fourth and last vessel in the ran class . 31 items. The extreme littoral. Kustartilleriet or KA can trace its traditions as far back as the old coastal fortresses that were in use around Sweden since the 15th century. Its mission was twofold: to guard Swedens neutrality and to oversee the smooth running of maritime communications while maintaining defences in order to be able to deny access to an aggressor if need be (Wedin, 2018, p. 52). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/002234338602300405. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies. It is decidedly green-water in character even, as Lundquist (2014) has it, extreme littoral in character. The timing of delivery is still unknown, but it will take time, training included, even if the system is diverted from an existing order. Pejcinovic, L. (2013). Prop: 2 shafts turbines, 8 boilers, 30,000 hp for 23 knots in operation Since Sweden finished her last coastal defence warship of the Sverige class HSwMS Gustav V it long wanted a 4th such vessel, even the Sverige class was envisioned as a 4 ship class but WW1 and the consequent economic situation not allowed the 4th vessel to be laid down, even Gustav V which was ordered in 1915 finished much later only in 1922. With modern technology, any fleet conceived all-but exclusively for the Baltic Sea will not be a blue-water navy, but, rather, a green-water navy by definition. The Journal of Strategic Studies, 17(1), 148175. 1The English School has historically, and quite unapologetically, been a very West-centric theory. Walt, K. (1979). (1967). With several countries now answering the call to help arm and support Ukrainian forces, the threat landscape for Russian invaders will surely be changing. Some batteries, such as Ellenabben in Karlskrona archipelago and the Femre Fortress outside Oxelsund, were preserved. (2002). Swedish Coastal Defence over Four Centuries: War as a Changing Institution of International Society. Another possible tendency of war over the last century is that it is becoming obsolete in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) region (Holsti, 2004, pp. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.156, Friedner Parrat C, Swedish Coastal Defence over Four Centuries: War as a Changing Institution of International Society (2022) 5 Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies 350 DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.156, Friedner Parrat, Charlotta. Sverige had the fore funnel trunked back away from the superstructure which was modified, and kept the second funnel, making the ships very different in appearance between the main turrets. As one among the northern European great powers of the 17th and 18th centuries, Sweden was conspicuously belligerent. Oxford University Press. U.S.-supplied Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) may also be on their way to Ukraine but werent listed in the breakdown of the recent aid package. Journal of Peace Research, 23(4), 357376. Here are the main changes to be expected for the Swedish Navy Sweden Reinforces its Defence Posture Along the Baltic Sea. 176177). 190192) emphasizes how sea control should be understood as a temporary and spatially limited means to the end of allowing ones own naval and maritime movements while limiting those of ones opponent. Launched in 1957 from the Ordzhonikidze Yard in Leningrad and given the catchy name of "S-363," it made its way to Sweden sometime in 1981. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511491474. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31374/sjms.156, Friedner Parrat, C. (2022). Pinterest. This requires different weaponry and strategies compared to the blue-water navy (Bergstrm and Friedner Parrat, 2022). Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies 5, no. Cambridge University Press. USS Montana (BB-67) 3 years ago. The coastal artillery regiments remained with their own staffs within the command. In the Swedish naval defense organization there are relatively strong units of coast artillery forces to which there are few counterparts abroad. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511616617, Buzan, B. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3917/rdna.800.0139, Wedin, L. (2018). They have carried out their work very professionally despite difficult conditions.. Navy Coast Guard. War is traditionally seen as one of several institutions of international society (Pejcinovic, 2013). Flynn (2020, p. 56) claims that in 2017 Swedens navy employed 60% of the numbers employed by Denmarks navy, and that the corresponding numbers were 36% when compared to Finland, and only 28% when compared to Norway. Swedish Coastal Defence over Four Centuries: War as a Changing Institution of International Society. Granholm (2014) discusses Swedens Cold War and post-Cold war naval stance but only hints as Swedish naval policies in earlier centuries; and Bergstrm and Friedner Parrat (2022) use Sweden as an example of a small coastal navy in their study of the different present-time perspectives on littoral warfare between great power navies and small navies. During the Second World War they were the backbone of the Swedish Navy . Today. Moreover, the submarine threats led to interesting dilemmas concerning international law and operative rules surrounding war-like measures in peacetime. Bofors guns (2 twin turrets), load in 17 seconds, rated as cramped, dividing partition between guns, 8 152mm (6in) 50 cal. 3840). Until 1947, she and her sister Drottning Victoria were the largest ships in the Swedish Navy. In mid-May, what is likely to be the first recorded footage of the U.K.-suppled Brimstone anti-armor missile system began to surface. Although its capacity has ranged from rather unprepared at the outset of World War I to well-trained and equipped during the first part of the Cold War, it has not made any attempt to go further than protecting its own territory (save a mission to land in 1918, at the request of the Swedish-speaking islanders). ), Europe, small navies and maritime security, pp. Of this general evolution, the Swedish naval retreat from blue-water ambition to green-water deterrent is arguably a constituent, albeit by no means pivotal, part. Concepts of naval capabilities and coastal defence contribute a useful periodization of the evolution of war as an institution of international society in the Swedish case. Fundamental institutions and international organizations: Theorizing continuity and change. 5259). The Swedish Coast Guard supervises, rescues and provides assistance at sea, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year along the entire Swedish coastline. Deterrence works when the costs of armed aggression, in the mind of a potential aggressor, seem larger than the benefits of going to war, so that in the end he decides to keep the peace. 34, 39). In the case of war, this slow evolution manifests both in the different principles and legitimations guiding war and in its practices. The units were decommissioned from the war organization in the Defense Act of 2000. Two perspectives on littoral warfare. Cambridge University Press. Accepting that Swedens geography required naval means for defence, it is worth starting from Booths (1977, pp. The distinction between a great power navy and the navy of a coastal state is central to the present inquiry, as indicative of both the development of Swedish naval capacity throughout the centuries studied and of the evolution of war as an institution of international society. Holsti, K. J. Since newly developed rifled cannons using projectiles were deemed more powerful than older ones using round cannonballs, it was decided to let the Swedish cannon boat Hildur fire at the Vaxholm fortress from 200 meters distance to test the resilience of the fortress. Their highpoint was Whiskey on the rocks, when the Whiskey-class Soviet submarine S-363 (U-137 according to the contemporary Swedish classification system), carrying nuclear torpedoes, was stranded in the archipelago of Karlskrona, within the military protection area (Haglund, 2014, pp. Millennium, 42(3), 576594. The blurring line between war and peace is defining for the last half-century, with all its grey-zone and hybrid problematiques, residing even in the very idea of a Cold War itself. All Rights Reserved. This topic is interesting for several reasons. The defence system unit is organizationally and tactically fully integrated into the Third Naval Battle Squadron. In the 17th century, the Swedish fleet had a considerable naval capacity and could arguably be classified as a blue-water navy, even though it hardly left the Baltic Sea. [4] Thus, the five geographical coastal artillery defenses were disbanded, which were integrated with the coastal artillery regiments in the new naval commands. The very creation of the coastal artillery and its maintenance over time obviously speak to the technical innovations of the time; they also indicate a renewed political emphasis on protecting the Swedish coast and making intrusion as difficult as possible for potential enemies. For modern scholarship, the list extends to include other institutions which arguably also hold ordering functions in international society (Knudsen, 2021; Schouenborg, 2011). 03 Nov 2022 01:29:35 While a small state may need offensive capacity, its aim is not to win a war against a superior aggressor but, rather, to make the aggressor pay as dearly as possible. Social mechanisms and foreign policy identity crises. Obviously, in Swedens case, the overwhelming destructive capacity of Swedens primary potential aggressor during this time, the Soviet Union, was a significant factor. The character of war has altered since the 17th and 18th centuries. Black Panther Marvel. These strategies of preservation may range from moderated offensive to passive defence (Till, 2018, p. 218f). This justifies a distinction between different types of navy: blue-water, green-water, and brown-water. The Sverige class coastal defence ships were the largest ships to serve in the Swedish Navy until that point. In older times, it required major investments in ship technology and trade routes. Unlike other coastal defence ships, the Sverige class formed the core of a traditional open-sea battle group (Coastal Fleet), operating with cruisers, destroyers, torpedo boats and air reconnaissance like traditional battleship tactics of the time. HSwMS Sverige was the first Swedish Sverige-class. During this period, the Swedish conception of war as something that others do was slowly cemented. Also, this was a step towards an increased ability to monitor and maintain high level of surveillance of Swedens harbours and shipping lanes against any foreign undersea aggression or incursion into Swedish territorial waters.
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