[123] However, in 1618 Sonam Rabten, the former attendant of the 4th Dalai Lama who had become the Ganden Phodrang treasurer, secretly identified the child,[124] who had been born to the noble Zahor family at Tagtse castle, south of Lhasa. He has written numerous books and conducted hundreds of conferences, lectures and workshops at major universities and institutions throughout the world, discussing engaging in wisdom, compassion and, more recently, environmental sustainability. He died on the way, in 1634[128] but his vassal Choghtu Khong Tayiji, continued to advance against the Gelugpas, even having his own son Arslan killed after Arslan changed sides, submitted to the Dalai Lama and become a Gelugpa monk. According to Mullin, the 14th Dalai Lama has pointed to certain indications that Jamphel Gyatso might not have been the incarnation of the 7th Dalai Lama but of Jamyang Chojey, a disciple of Tsongkhapa and founder of Drepung monastery who was also reputed to be an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara. He is the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile based in Dharamshala, India. On his return in 1512, he was given the residence built for Gendun Drup, to be occupied later by the Panchen Lamas. I must begin, however, by saying that it is very difficult to find exact English words to translate the philosophical terms of Buddhism which we use in Tibetan. In fact, this text is said to have laid the foundation for the Tibetans' later identification of the Dalai Lamas as incarnations of Avalokitevara. However, Nyima was abducted by the Chinese government shortly after being chosen as the Panchen Lama and has not been seen in public since 1995. Authorities continued to restrict the religious practices of monks, nuns, and laypersons. In fact, all cognizable things are empty from their nature, but through delusion they appear as self-originating and self-sufficing entities. as predicted by his predecessor. He ascribes the probable cause of these early deaths to negligence, foolishness and lack of proper medical knowledge and attention. The sum total of worldly pleasure, gained though the motive of self-love and the struggle to fulfill that love, is not comparable to a fraction of it. Passion may become self-attachment or egois, and from it one may develop pride through a sense of superiority; or, on encountering hostility toward oneself, one may develop a counter-hatred. [278] As an "engaged Buddhist" the Dalai Lama has an appeal straddling cultures and political systems making him one of the most recognized and respected moral voices today. [135], Having thus defeated all the Gelugpa's rivals and resolved all regional and sectarian conflicts Gshi Khan became the undisputed patron of a unified Tibet and acted as a "Protector of the Gelug",[136] establishing the Khoshut Khanate which covered almost the entire Tibetan plateau, an area corresponding roughly to 'Greater Tibet' including Kham and Amdo, as claimed by exiled groups (see maps). He promised them he would be incarnated next in Mongolia, as a Mongolian. At the investiture, decree of the Emperor of China was issued and read out. However, Gshi Khan's other eight sons had settled in Amdo but fought amongst themselves over territory so the Fifth Dalai Lama sent governors to rule them in 1656 and 1659, thereby bringing Amdo and thus the whole of Greater Tibet under his personal rule and Gelugpa control. Search clues. Scientific technology has made marvelous advances, and no doubt will continue to develop. Politically, Prime Minister in-exile Dr . This was also claimed to have been confirmed by many portents clear to the Tibetans and so, in 1762, at the age of 5, he was duly enthroned as the Eighth Dalai Lama at the Potala Palace. He pretended the Dalai Lama was in retreat and ruled on his behalf, secretly selecting the 6th Dalai Lama and presenting him as someone else. Further he stated that Europe should receive, help and educate refugees but ultimately they should return to develop their home countries. [270], In September 2007, the Chinese government said all high monks must be approved by the government, which would include the selection of the 15th Dalai Lama after the death of Tenzin Gyatso. The first of the line was Dge-'dun-grub-pa (1391-1475), founder and abbot of Tashilhunpo monastery (central Tibet). Delusion is essentially due to an undisciplined mind. [90] The next New Year, the Gongma was so impressed by Gendun Gyatso's performance leading the Festival that he sponsored construction of a large new residence for him at Drepung, 'a monastery within a monastery'. In 1950, at the age of 15, Tenzin assumed full political power as the Dalai Lama. In the field of secularism there is no other country like India, the Dalai Lama said. The entity would be associated with the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese government would be responsible for Tibet's foreign policy and defense. [148], In the same year, 1674, the Dalai Lama, then at the height of his powers and conducting a foreign policy independent of the Qing, caused Mongol troops to occupy the border post of Dartsedo between Kham and Sichuan, further annoying the Kangxi Emperor who (according to Smith) already considered Tibet as part of the Qing Empire. [34][85] By now widely regarded as one of Tibet's greatest saints and scholars[86] he was invited back to Tashilhunpo. Both mind and body must have immediate sources. [190][191] Qianlong Emperor officially accept Gyiangbai as the 8th Dalai Lama when the 6th Panchen Erdeni came to congratulate the Emperor on his 70th birthday in 1780. [146], The Fifth Dalai Lama's death in 1682 was kept secret for fifteen years by his regent Desi Sangye Gyatso. [46] It was some 55 years after Tsongkhapa's death when eventually, the monastic authorities saw compelling evidence that convinced them the child in question was indeed the incarnation of their founder. [94] He attracted many students and disciples 'from Kashmir to China'[93] as well as major patrons and disciples such as Gongma Nangso Donyopa of Droda who built a monastery at Zhekar Dzong in his honour and invited him to name it and be its spiritual guide. They were properly preserved as the root to their ruling power. [33] He also established the method by which later Dalai Lama incarnations would be discovered through visions at the "oracle lake", Lhamo Lhatso. The Buddhist belief of rebirth is a concept of "renewal" and not exactly reincarnation of a spirit or body. How do we know that there is an afterlife? The words of the diploma ran: "Proclamation, to let all the people of the western hemisphere know". [247] He continued to seek greater autonomy from China, but Dolma Gyari, deputy speaker of the parliament-in-exile, stated: "If the middle path fails in the short term, we will be forced to opt for complete independence or self-determination as per the UN charter". [120] For example, Ligdan Khan of the Chahars, a Mongol subgroup who supported the Tsang Karmapas, after retreating from advancing Manchu armies headed for Kokonor intending destroy the Gelug. Just as a particular disease in the world is treated by various medical methods, so there are many religions to bring happiness to human beings and others. [206] In 1793 under Manchu pressure, Tibet had closed its borders to foreigners,[207][208] but in 1811, a British Sinologist, Thomas Manning became the first Englishman to visit Lhasa. , The Committee's citation stated, "The Committee wants to emphasize the fact that the Dalai Lama in his struggle for the liberation of Tibet consistently has opposed the use of violence. At an enthronement ceremony in Shigatse he conferred full sovereignty over Tibet on the Fifth Dalai Lama,[137] unified for the first time since the collapse of the Tibetan Empire exactly eight centuries earlier. [120][138] Gshi Khan then retired to Kokonor with his armies[120] and [according to Smith] ruled Amdo himself directly thus creating a precedent for the later separation of Amdo from the rest of Tibet. An understanding of the Dual Truths is therefore very important, but it involves some difficulties. One reason for the pursuit of religion is that material progress alone will not give lasting pleasure or satisfaction. The Chinese can use their political power: force. [145] Furthermore, when he arrived back in Tibet, he discarded the emperor's famous golden seal and made a new one for important state usage, writing in his autobiography: "Leaving out the Chinese characters that were on the seal given by the emperor, a new seal was carved for stamping documents that dealt with territorial issues. It is even open to question whether these activities in themselves should be called religious or not; for religion should be practiced in the mind. [274] He has given reference to a possible vote occurring in the future for all Tibetan Buddhists to decide whether they wish to recognize his rebirth. At 16, in 1559, he was invited to Nedong by King Ngawang Tashi Drakpa, a Karma Kagyu supporter, and became his personal teacher. The question is sometimes asked whether Hinayanists, having achieved Nirvana, will be confined to the stage they have attained, or whether they will subsequently follow the Mahayana. [176][177] In 1723, however, after brutally quelling a major rebellion by zealous Tibetan patriots and disgruntled Khoshut Mongols from Amdo who attacked Xining, the Qing intervened again, splitting Tibet by putting Amdo and Kham under their own more direct control. This flow may be stopped, and the wandering or projecting mind brought to rest, by concentration on the physical make up of ones body and the psychological make up of ones mind. Over this period his health had deteriorated, the implication being that he may have suffered from slow poisoning by Tibetan aristocrats whose interests these reforms were threatening. Part of a lineage that stretches back to the fourteenth century, the dalai lama has been referred to as "the Buddhist pope." The Tibetan word Cho is known as Dharma in Sanskrit, and it means to hold. All the objects of this world which have definable identities of their own are known as Dharmas. Tibet Religion. It spread steadily, and in the course of time, many renowned Pandits of India came to Tibet and translated texts of Sutras and Tantras with their commentaries. The second of them, the World of Form, has two parts, in the lower of which the beings cannot enjoy external sensual pleasures but can enjoy undisturbed pleasure of internal contemplation. The reason for this was that if the suffering is known, the cause of it may be deduced; and when a strong desire to forsake the cause of suffering exists, means will be found to forsake it. A resolution adopted by the leaders at a conference on Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019, says the Tibetan people will not recognize a candidate chosen by the Chinese government for political ends. [138], In this way, Gshi Khan established the Fifth Dalai Lama as the highest spiritual and political authority in Tibet. [130] The intercepted letter was sent to Gshi Khan who used it as a pretext to invade central Tibet in 1639 to attack them both, the Bnpo and the Tsangpa. Young Lhamo was renamed Tenzin Gyatso and proclaimed the 14th Dalai Lama. It was further felt that it was not the Dalai Lama's decision to reincarnate. [277], The 14th Dalai Lama supported the possibility that his next incarnation could be a woman. Representative : Ext # 104 Throughout Gendun Gyatso's life, the Gelugpa were opposed and suppressed by older rivals, particularly the Karma Kagyu and their Ringpung clan patrons from Tsang, who felt threatened by their loss of influence. There have been 14 recognised incarnations of the Dalai Lama: There has also been one non-recognised Dalai Lama, Ngawang Yeshe Gyatso, declared 28 June 1707, when he was 25 years old, by Lha-bzang Khan as the "true" 6th Dalai Lama however, he was never accepted as such by the majority of the population. He was born in Tibet in 1985, and was recognized by the Dalai Lama, other senior Tibetan religious leaders and the Chinese government as the reincarnate of the 16th Karmapa. [223], According to Smith, however, during Trinley Gyatso's minority, the Regent was deposed in 1862 for abuse of authority and closeness with China, by an alliance of monks and officials called Gandre Drungche (Ganden and Drepung Monks Assembly); this body then ruled Tibet for ten years until dissolved, when a National Assembly of monks and officials called the Tsongdu was created and took over. At 19, when the Kyichu River burst its banks and flooded Lhasa, he led his followers to rescue victims and repair the dykes. The Dalai Lama stressed that good education would help develop tolerance among mankind and inculcate the habit of forgiveness. The Need for Religion in Our Present Lives. (Norbu & Turnbull 1968, pp. In its essentials, it never suffered alterations or additions at the hands of Tibetan Lamas. [240], The 14th Dalai Lama was not formally enthroned until 17 November 1950, during the Battle of Chamdo with the People's Republic of China. [17] [172] By the autumn of 1720 the marauding Dzungar Mongols had been vanquished from Tibet and the Qing imperial forces had entered Lhasa triumphantly with the 12-year-old, acting as patrons of the Dalai Lama, liberators of Tibet, allies of the Tibetan anti-Dzungar forces led by Kangchenas and Polhanas, and allies of the Khoshut Mongol princes. The second flame is not identical to the first, nor is it totally different. [28] It later became the seat of the Panchen Lamas. This method was used a few times for both positions during the 19th century, but eventually fell into disuse. [37] The 4th was then born in Mongolia as the great-grandson of Altan Khan, thus cementing strong ties between Central Asia, the Dalai Lamas, the Gelugpa and Tibet. The First Dalai Lama, Gedn-trup (13911474), was already the 51st incarnation; the teacher Dromtn, Atia's disciple (eleventh century), the 45th; whilst with the 26th, one Gesar king of India, and the 27th, a hare, we are in pure legend, "1587'". The Need of Religion for our Future Lives. Although this is the natural sequence, Lord Buddha preached the Four Truths by putting the effects first and the causes after. How can you have a religious leader like that? Guru Padmasambhava prophesized exactly Tulku Migyur Dorje's name and the place where he was going to be born. Thus Nirvana is attained. By then he had established a religious empire of such proportions that it was unsurprising the Emperor wanted to invite him and grant him a diploma. [54] He studied Buddhist philosophy extensively and in 1405, ordained by Narthang's abbot, he took the name of Gendun Drup. [94] By 1571, when Altan Khan received a title of Shunyi Wang (King) from the Ming dynasty of China[106] and swore allegiance to Ming,[107] although he remained de facto quite independent,[49]:106 he had fulfilled his political destiny and a nephew advised him to seek spiritual salvation, saying that "in Tibet dwells Avalokiteshvara", referring to Sonam Gyatso, then 28 years old. This strong I-consciousness has been fostered in all beings in Samsara since time immemorial, and they are so habituated to it that they experience it even in their dreams. Haas, Michaela (2013). Photo: Reuters and Wikimedia Commons "[26], According to the 14th Dalai Lama, long ago Avalokitevara had promised the Buddha to guide and defend the Tibetan people and in the late Middle Ages, his master plan to fulfill this promise was the stage-by-stage establishment of the Dalai Lama theocracy in Tibet.
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