Theres some enumeration to find an instance of OpenNetAdmin, which has a remote coded execution exploit that Ill use to get a shell as www-data. Another day with a section of convoluted validation rules and a series of items to be validated. For root, Ill have to exploit a Portable-Kanban instance which is using Redis to find a password. To start, Ill find command injection in the DNS / IP update API. From there, Ill build a serialized JSON payload using the template in some of the CVE writeups, and get code execution and a shell. First, Ill take advantage of a php website, that allows me to leak its source. The centerpiece is a crazy cross-site scripting attack through a password reset interface using DNS to redirect the admin to a site I control to then have them register an account for me. First, theres a SQL injection, but the url parameters are hashed with a key, so I need to leak that key, and then make sure to update the hash for each request. To privesc, Ill find a process running chmod with a wildcard, and exploit that to change the ownership of the passwd file to my user, so I can edit it and get a root shell. Ill find the next users credentials in the AutoLogon registry key. You may define your possible field values and their associated badge types using the map method: Alternatively, you may use the types method to completely replace the built-in badge types and their associated CSS classes. When attaching a field to a resource, you may use the sortable method to indicate that the resource index may be sorted by the given field: This portion of the documentation only discusses non-relationship fields. However this one didnt have a buffer overflow or what I typically think of as binary exploitation. TheCyberGeek and IppSec both showed how to abuse delegation to do a DCSync attack. From there its back into another docker container, where Ill crash the container to get execution and shell as root, getting access to the shadow file and a password for the host. Ill show both manually exploiting ShellShock and using the nmap script to identify it is vulnerable. That site has command injection, which gives me code execution, a shell as www-data, and creds for loki. Omni looks like a normal Windows host at first, but its actually Windows IOT Core, the flavor of Windows that will run on a Raspberry Pi. Later, it was upped again to insane (50). * Ill use those to perform the attack, which will return SYSTEM access. The important detail to notice is that a shell as sonny running via a webshell has additional groups related to IIS that dont show up in an SSH shell. Moving files to and from a compromised Linux machine is, in general, pretty easy. How to Take Browser Screenshots in Laravel? After this, in Ill use the VM to work a HTB target, and report back on in a future post. In Beyond Root, Ill look at the Metasploit Payload for the IRC exploit, as well as some failed privesc exploits. Ill also enumerate the filters and find a way to get command execution in the page itself. Only the repository owner and repository admin(s) can delete a repository. demo really threw me, to the point that I almost skipped writing it up. In the reversing challenges, there was not only an iPhone debian package, but also a PS4 update file. Then, theres a web hacking challenge that quickly morphs into a crypto challenge, which I can solve by reimplementing the leaked PRNG from Ida Pro to generate a valid password. Ill show how to use that LFI to get execution via mail poisoning, log poisoning, and just reading an SSH key. In Beyond Root, Ill look at a couple things that I would do differently today. Their user interface isnt as polished or feature rich as HTB, but they have 16 vulnerable machines online right now to attack. With that access, I can exploit the service to get execution and a shell. Weather its in struts, or pythons pickle, or in Node.js, deserialization of user input is almost always a bad idea, and heres well show why. 0xdf hacks stuff | CTF solutions, malware analysis, home lab The box is centered around PBX software. Now I can add a relative address mode, getting positions relative to the stack pointer. If a bar chart better suits your data, you may invoke the asBarChart method when defining the field: By default, a Sparkline will appear on a resource's detail page. That user has access to a DLL in the web directory, in which Ill find more credentials to pivot to another user. Ill identify and abuse a timing attack to identify usernames on a login form. However, if necessary, you may pass the column name as the second argument to the field's make method: Often, you will only want to display a field in certain situations. Day 4 presented another text parsing challenge. Ill abuse this with the windows error reporting system to get execution. Then Ill use default credentials to pivot into the VM, where I find an SSH key that gives administrator access to the host system. Projects makes it easier for members of a workspaceto collaborate by organizing your repositories into projects. I loved Sizzle. To get to root, Ill abuse a SUID file in two different ways. Most qualifiers are optional, meaning the related action parameter can be used independently, but you can add optional qualifiers to modify the default behavior. OpenKeyS was all about a series of OpenBSD vulnerabilities published by Qualys in December 2019. Using a solver to solve the system, I can find the input necessary to return the flag. When the resource is saved, Nova will move the file to permanent storage. Ill exploit XXE in Libre Office thats being used to convert docx files to PDFs to leak a configuration file, which uncovers another section of the site. Carrier was awesome, not because it super hard, but because it provided an opportunity to do something that I hear about all the time in the media, but have never been actually tasked with doing - BGP Hijacking. Ill show both static analysis to pull the keys and then decrypt in Python, as well as how to emulate a watch and then go through the steps to get it to display the flag in the gallery. laravel But with no print spooler service on the box, and no outbound TCP port 135, neither RoguePotato, SweetPotato, or PrintSpoofer could abuse it to get a SYSTEM shell. The November Ultimate Hacking Championship qualifier box is Union. Doctor was about attacking a message board-like website. Then Ill use one of many available Windows kernel exploits to gain system. The foothold exploit, Drupalgeddon2 has many public exploit scripts that can be used to upload a webshell and run commands. With a foothold, Ill find the keys necessary to get access to a second Gluster volume, which gives access as user. To privesc, theres a SetUID binary that is vulnerable to a path hijack attack. Once in, Ill find a endpoint thats vulnerable to SQL injection, but only after abusing type-juggling to bypass an integrity check. Ill probe to identify the blocks workds, which includes the space character, and use the Linux environment variable ${IFS} instead of space to get command injection. With that, I can forge a new token allowing access to the file write api, where Ill quietly insert a backdoor into an endpoint that returns a shell (and show how to just smash the door in as well). For privesc, Ill look at unpatched kernel vulnerabilities. Im presented with three different web interfaces, which I enumerate and bounce between to eventually get credentials for an Ajenti administrator login. With Cloudinary's Root Path URL feature, the and elements can be omitted from the URL (they automatically default to the values image and upload respectively). From that container, Ill find the same password reused by a user on the host, and SSH to get access. The 2020 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge was less of a challenge to figure out who did it, and more picking apart how Jack Frost managed to hack Santas processes. When using one of these SDKs, you can instruct the SDK to generate https URLs by setting the secure parameter to true, either globally as part of your SDK configuration, or locally in each transformation operation. Laravel 8 Image Upload Example Tutorial Its got a good flow, and I learned a bunch doing it. Ill show some analysis of that as well. Ill pivot to the next user with a credential from the web source. Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. Ill troubleshot that to find that the PHP functions typically used for execution are disabled. let's follow bellow steps: Step 1: Create S3 Bucket. To escalate, well take advantage of a cron running the users code as root. Aragog provided a chance to play with XML External Entity (XXE) vulnerabilities, as well as a chance to modify a running website to capture user credentials. Continuing with the computer, now Im using it to power a robot. Ill start by enumerating a host that hosts websites for many different customers, and is meant to be like a CloudFlare ip. In Beyond root, looking at a couple unintended paths. Ill use the FTP access to find old creds in a backup configuration file, and use those to guess the current creds. Finally, Ill find credentials in HTML source that work to get root on the box. Basic xp_cmdshell runs as a user without much access, but Python within MSSQL runs as a more privileged user, allowing me access to a config file with the administrator credentials. Over the weekend, a few of us from Neutrino Cannon competed in the CactusCon 2022 CTF by ThreatSims. Ill also show off pwntools along the way. Ill show two ways to abuse this, using cgroups and just accessing the host filesystem. Cloudinary Day 25 is an encryption problem using modular arithmetic. Result. Over SMB, Ill pull a zip containing files related to an Active Directory environment. Then Ill score each intersection, first by Manhattan distance to the origin, and then by total number of steps from the origin along both wires, and return the minimum. After pulling apart an Emotet phishing doc in the previous post, I wanted to see if I could find similar docs from the same phishing campaign, and perhaps even different docs from previous phishing campaigns based on artifacts in the seed document. Though reversing this binary, Ill see how it expects input matching the various authors from the metadata in the unused layers, and how each author has an id associated with it. Delivering an image where the original format is not supported for delivery by the browser. The box called Dummy recently retired from their system, so I can safely give it a walk-through. Blunder starts with a blog that Ill find is hosted on the BludIt CMS. Id be very excited to hear if there were any unintended paths discovered. Its also a neat learning opportunity, as its one of the least competitive CTFs I know of. Unfortunately, all the functions I need to get RCE via PHP or ASPX are disabled. Why does the wrong username show in my commit messages? In Beyond Root, Ill examine the text file in the directory and why it doesnt get it changed ownership, look at the automation and find a curious part I wasnt expecting, and show an alternative root based on that automation (which may be the intended path). The f_auto algorithm will similarly deliver the best format when the original asset is a PNG (with or without transparency), an animated GIF, etc. Smasher is a really hard box with three challenges that require a detailed understanding of how the code youre intereacting with works. Cache rates medium based on number of steps, none of which are particularly challenging. Then Ill pivot into the users private files based on his use of a web home directory on the server. Fuse was all about pulling information out of a printer admin page. In Beyond Root, Ill look at the EFS that prevented my reading root.txt using backup privs, as well as go down a rabbit hole into Windows sessions and why the cipher command was returning weird results. After some password reuse and sudo, Ill have root in the container. For privesc, Ill use a Windows local exploit to get SYSTEM access. Adding it to the original post. There is a flask website with a pickle deserialization bug. Ill start using anonymous FTP access to get a zip file and an Access database. Ill use hydra to brute force the last character of the password, and gain access to a Moodle instance, software designed for online learning. Ill use RSync to pull back the files that underpin an Encrypted Filesystem (EncFS) instance, and crack the password to gain access to the backup config files. To pivot to the DC, Ill run SharpHound and see that a kerberoastable user has Generic All on the Domain Admins group, get the hash, break it, and add that user to DA. Inside the chat, theres a bot that can read files. Once sshed in as margo, I will find a suid binary that I can overflow to get a root shell. Kerbrute will identify one user that is common between the backup and the AD on APT. There were a handful of reversing challenges, but multiple of them were MacOS (Mach-O) binaries. To privesc to user, Ill use a heap exploit in a SUID binary. From the host, Ill find a different network of containers, and find MongoDB running in one. The website on Forge has an server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability that I can use to access the admin site, available only from localhost. Then some pivoting across the same host using SSH and the a php vulnerability. It also hosts an instance of PRTG Network Monitor on port 80. Learn the basic command to check out a branch through the Bitbucket Cloud interface. What are the IP addresses to configure a corporate firewall? These topics will teach you everything about repositories. The file given is a demoscene, which is a kind of competition to get the best visual performce out of an executable limited in size. That provides me the source for another, which includes a custom RSS feed thats cached using memcache. It was a relateively straight forward box, but I learned two really neat things working it (each of which inspired other posts). Ill exploit a webapp using the ZipSlip vulnerability to get a webshell up and get a shell as www-data, only to find that the exploited webserver is running as root, and with another ZipSlip, I can escalte to root. Finally, in Beyond Root, Ill explore the overwrite script being run by root, finger for file transfer, and execution without read. Ill start by getting access to a web page by telling the page to validate logins against a database on my box. A combination of finding the rootkit described on a webpage via Googling and reversing to see how its changed gives me the ability to trigger any session to root. The second looks like a hint that was disabled, or maybe forgotten. Travel was just a great box because it provided a complex and challenging puzzle with new pieces that were fun to explore. If you want to add a repository to a project it must already be in the workspace. Create animated images from multiple images in your account, convert them to video, convert between animated formats, and apply animation-specific transformations. This user is also the LDAP administrator, and SSH is configured to check LDAP for logins. It also dropped and installed another DLL, a credential helper. This is effected under Palestinian ownership and in accordance with the best European and international standards. From there I can get a shell, and find creds in the database to switch to user. so run bellow command so quick run: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'itsolutionstuff_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-itsolutionstuff_com-leader-1-0'); Now you can open bellow URL on your browser: I'm a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of Aatman Infotech. At the time of release, just searching for this version string didnt immediately lead to the backdoor, but within two days of release it did. Ill upload a webshell into one of the sites and rebuild it, gaining execution and a shell. CTF solutions, malware analysis, home lab development. Unfortunately, it was a bit tricky to get setup and working. Hackvent is a great CTF, where a different challenge is presented each day, and the techniques necessary to solve each challenge vary widely. To get root, Ill notice that I can write to the message of the day directory. From there, Ill notice that Firefox is running, and dump the process memory to find the password for the original website, which is also the administrator password for the box. I learned about SSF from another HTB user, jkr, who not only introduced me to SSF, but pulled together the examples in this post. Flare-On 7 got off to an easy start with a Windows executable that was generated with PyGame, and included the Python source. Ill start with access to only RPC and HTTP, and the website has nothing interesting. In Beyond root, Ill look at the backup site and the real one, and how they dont match, as well as look at the script for creating users based on http visits. For example, you could define a complex named transformation that includes a text overlay as a named transformation, using a user-defined variable for the text string value. let's follow bellow steps: First you need to create bucket and user so let's follow bellow step: 1. Ill use the source with the SSTI to get execution, but no shell. Overall, this box was both easy and frustrating, as there was really only one exploit to get all the way to system, but yet there were many annoyances along the way. Go to Amazon Web Service Console and Login. In that system, I will exploit an edge side include injection to get execution, and with a bit more work, a shell. And there are hints distributed to us along the way. To escalate, I can exploit either a Ricoh printer driver or PrintNightmare, and Ill show both. Ultimately From that container, I can SSH into the main host. You can do this by using the maxlength method on the field: The Timezone field generates a Select field containing a list of the world's timezones: The Trix field provides a Trix editor (opens new window) for its associated field. In that second network, Ill exploit an OpenSMTPd server and get a foothold. In Beyond Root, Ill look at the webserver config, and find the error in the public Jarm code that allowed me to use Jarm as a port scanner. You can also set named transformations as transformation presets, which enables you to preview how assets from your Media Library will look with different named transformations applied. Ill show all of these, and look at some of the automation scripts (including what didnt work on initial deployment) in Beyond Root. can get it to make my current user the owner of any file on the system. I can use that to find a custom binary listening on localhost, as well as its source code. Day 9 is two challenges about looking across lists of ints to find pairs or slices with a given sum. Ill use parameter injection to write a webshell to the server and get execution. Ill start using ldap injection to determine a username and a seed for a one time password token. In beyond root, Ill take a quick look at the lack of whoami on XP systems. That password works for one of the users over WinRM. Its a recently launched service much like HackTheBox. John looked at bit at the registration information on the domain, but I wanted to dive a bit deeper, specifically using RiskIQ and Maltego. The stage two is still up, so I got a copy, which I was able to identify as nanocore, and do some basic dynamic analysis of that as well. How to set read access on a private Amazon S3 bucket. With this, Ill find a backup of the website, and find different credentials in one of the pages, which I can use for a shell as the second user.